Informační systém výzkumu,
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Centrální evidence projektů

Jednoduché vyhledávání

Zpět na hledáníEF16_019/0000760 - Fyzika pevných látek pro 21. století (2018-2023, MSM/EF)

Identifikační kód EF16_019/0000760
Důvěrnost údajů S - Není předmětem státního či obchodního tajemství a data lze v souladu s právními předpisy poskytnout do veřejně přístupných informačních systémů včetně mezinárodních
Název projektu v původním jazyce Fyzika pevných látek pro 21. století
Název projektu anglicky Solid State Physics for 21st century
Poskytovatel MSM - Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy (MŠMT)
Program EF - Operační program výzkum, vývoj, vzdělávání  (2014 - 2020)
Kategorie VaV ZV - Základní výzkum
Hlavní vědní obor 10301 - Atomic, molecular and chemical physics (physics of atoms and molecules including collision, interaction with radiation, magnetic resonances, Mössbauer effect)
Vedlejší vědní obor 10304 - Nuclear physics
Další vedlejší vědní obor -
Zahájení řešení 01.07.2018
Ukončení řešení 30.06.2023
Datum posledního uvolnění účelové podpory 15.08.2022
Číslo smlouvy CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000760-01
Poslední stav řešení K - Končící (rok zahájení projektu < rok sběru dat, rok ukončení projektu = roku sběru dat, alespoň po část roku sběru dat čerpá finanční prostředky ze SR)
tis. Kč **
Finance projektu
Výše podpory z národních zdrojů0,000234 011 686,00234012207 047 000,002070477 312 684,08731320 899 164,42208990,000469 270 534,50469271
Výše podpory z veřej. zahraničních zdrojů ***0,0000,0000,00022 061 733,992206263 050 967,51630510,00085 112 701,5085113
Neveřejné tuzem. a zahr. zdroje financování------28 017 000,0028017
Celkové uznané náklady0,000234 011 686,00234012207 047 000,0020704730 920 440,073092088 368 559,93883690,000560 347 686,00560348

** Finance v tisících Kč jsou automaticky zaokrouhleny z částky v jednotkách Kč s přesností na 2 desetinná místa
*** Výše podpory z veřejných zahraničních zdrojů je sledována od období sběru 2020

Zobrazit skutečně čerpané finance projektu z národních zdrojů »

Druh soutěže -
Veřejná soutěž ve výzkumu, vývoji a inovacích -
Cíle řešení v původním jazyce Cíli jsou: 1) upevnění postavení FZU jako konkurenceschopného evropského centra výzkumu v oblasti fyziky pevných látek, a posílení internacionalizace výzkumu ve FZU 2) konsolidace vlastních výzkumných týmů FZU, prohloubení spolupráce s vysokými školami a vytvoření zázemí pro lepší začlenění studentů a doktorandů do špičkového výzkumu 3) zajištění laboratorních prostor vyhovujících současným standardům vč. vybavení moderními technologiemi 4) vytvoření podmínek pro komercializaci výsledků výzkumu a pro spolupráci na inovačních programech s průmyslovými podniky
Cíle řešení v anglickém jazyce The objectives are: 1) to strengthen the position of the FZU as a competitive European research center in the field of solid state physics and to strengthen the internationalization of research at the FZU 2) consolidation of FZU research teams, enhancing the cooperation with universities and creation of background for better integration of students and PhD students into top research 3) provision of laboratory facilities and equipment according to current standards 4) creating conditions for the commercialization of research results and for cooperation on innovative programs with industrial enterprises
Klíčová slova v anglickém jazyce Solid State Physics;Nanoelectronics;Photonics;Magnetism;Functional Materials;Biophysics;Plasma Technologies
Kontrolní číslo stavu projektu v letech 2018: 190695621 ( v1.0 )
2019: 190698256 ( v1.0 )
2020: 190707536 ( v1.0 )
2021: 190722570 ( v1.0 )
2022: 190733878 ( v2.0 )
2023: 190741676 ( v1.0 )
Datum dodání posledního záznamu o projektu 20.02.2023
Systémové označení dodávky dat CEP23-MSM-EF-R

Účastníci projektu

Počet příjemců 1
Počet dalších účastníků projektu 0
Příjemce Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.
ŘešitelRNDr. Michael Prouza, Ph.D. (státní příslušnost: CZ - Česká republika, vedidk: 6110630)

tis. Kč **
Finance účastníků projektuPoznámka: Finance účastníků projektu jsou sledovány od roku 2007, investiční prostředky od roku 2013, prostředky ze zahraničních zdrojů od roku 2020

Celkové uznané náklady201820192020202120222023
Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.0,000234 011 686,00234012207 047 000,0020704730 920 440,073092088 368 559,93883690,000
Výše podpory z národních zdrojů201820192020202120222023
Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.0,000234 011 686,00234012207 047 000,002070477 312 684,08731320 899 164,42208990,000
Výše podpory z veřejných zahraničních zdrojů201820192020202120222023
Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.0,0000,0000,00022 061 733,992206263 050 967,51630510,000
Investiční prostředky z podpory ze státního rozpočtu na účastníka v daném roce201820192020202120222023
Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.0,0000,0000,00030 920 440,073092030 920 440,07309200,000

** Finance v tisících Kč jsou automaticky zaokrouhleny z částky v jednotkách Kč s přesností na 2 desetinná místa

Zobrazit skutečně čerpané prostředky z národních zdrojů na účastníka »

Výsledky projektu v RIV

Počet výsledků projektu v RIV celkem 856
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00493424 - Extrinsic permittivity in domain engineered rhombohedral BaTiO3 monocrystal (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00493522 - Wide range dielectric and infrared spectroscopy of (Nb plus In) co-doped rutile ceramics (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00494127 - Pinning of a ferroelectric Bloch wall at a paraelectric layer (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00496947 - Electronic structure in the twinned 10M martensite phase of the Ni49.7Mn29.1Ga21.2 Heusler alloy: experiment and theory (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00498094 - Origin of the colossal permittivity of (Nb plus In) co-doped rutile ceramics by wide-range dielectric spectroscopy (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00498114 - Performance comparison of time-domain terahertz, multi-terahertz, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopies (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00498194 - Stress-strain and thermomechanical characterization of nematic to smectic A transition in a strongly-crosslinked bimesogenic liquid crystal elastomer (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00498197 - Vibrational spectra of multiferroics with Y- and Z- type hexaferrite structures (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00498279 - Composition dependent microwave properties of dielectric-conductor nanocomposites (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00498287 - Physics and applications of charged domain walls (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00498425 - Structural and physical characterization of NpPt2In7 (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00498933 - Local Photovoltaic Properties of Graphene-Silicon Heterojunctions (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00499824 - Hydroxylation and self-assembly of colloidal hydrogenated nanodiamonds by aqueous oxygen radicals from atmospheric pressure plasma jet (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00500626 - Concentration dependence of energy transfer Ce3+> Er3+ in YAG host (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00502127 - Microwave absorbing and shielding properties of inhomogeneous conductors and high-loss dielectrics (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00502222 - Secondary twinning in zinc (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00509834 - Nanocantilevers with adjustable static deflection and significantly tunable spectrum resonant frequencies for applications in nanomechanical mass sensors (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/18:00511044 - Experimental evidences of the shape-induced structural distortion of SrTiO3 single crystals from impurity Mn4+ ions electron paramagnetic resonance (2018)
Výsledek druhu C RIV/68378271:_____/18:00520745 - Plasma melting studies on static bed reactor (2018)
Výsledek druhu C RIV/68378271:_____/18:00520752 - Plasma melting studies on moving bed reactor (2018)
Výsledek druhu C RIV/68378271:_____/18:00520753 - Leachability studies on slag (2018)
Výsledek druhu C RIV/68378271:_____/18:00520755 - Computer studies on statistical analysis of data (2018)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/18:00540850 - The properties of hydrogenated ZnO nanocolumn thin films (2018)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00499506 - A critical review on selected external physical cues and modulation of cell behavior: magnetic nanoparticles, non-thermal plasma and lasers (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00504653 - Determination of atomic boron concentration in heavily boron-doped diamond by Raman spectroscopy (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00504656 - Nanocrystalline diamond-based impedance sensors for real-time monitoring of adipose tissue-derived stem cells (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00505001 - Hybrid polar state in epitaxial (111) PbSc0.5Nb0.5O3 relaxor ferroelectric films (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00505002 - Negative magnetoresistance in epitaxial films of neodymium nickelate (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00505018 - Pressure dependence of singly and doubly charged ion formation in a HiPIMS discharge (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00505081 - The effect of the length of terminal n-alkyl carboxylate chain on self-assembling and photosensitive properties of chiral lactic acid derivatives (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00505087 - Terahertz conductivity and coupling between geometrical and plasmonic resonances in nanostructures (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00505102 - Diketopyrrolopyrrole-based organic solar cells functionality: the role of orbital energy and crystallinity (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00505348 - Nitrous oxide as an effective AFM tip functionalization: a comparative study (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00505381 - Preliminary study of Ge-DLC nanocomposite biomaterials prepared by laser codeposition (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00505522 - Optical revelation of defects in epitaxial barium titanate films (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00506052 - Quantum plasmon excitations in gold-fullerene mixture films (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00506915 - Crack growth in Fe-Si (2 wt%) single crystals on macroscopic and atomistic level (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00507091 - Heavily Ce3+-doped Y3Al5O12 thin films deposited by a polymer sol–gel method for fast scintillation detectors (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00507500 - Modeling grain boundary segregation by prediction of all the necessary parameters (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00507800 - Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured molybdenum oxynitride films fabricated by sub-atmospheric chemical vapor deposition. (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00507875 - Great variety of man-made porous diamond structures: pulsed microwave cold plasma system with a linear antenna arrangement (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00507896 - Scintillation properties of Gd3Al2Ga3O12:Ce, Li and Gd3Al2Ga3O12:Ce, Mg single crystal scintillators: a comparative study (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00507899 - Changes in spin and lattice dynamics induced by magnetic and structural phase transitions in multiferroic SrMn7O12 (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00507901 - Soft mode driven local ferroelectric transition in lead-based relaxors (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00507904 - Changes in cryopreserved cell nuclei serve as indicators of processes during freezing and thawing (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00507908 - Tuning of the gold work function by carborane films studied using density functional theory (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00507919 - LuAG:Pr codoped with Ho3+: acceleration of Pr3+decay by energy transfer (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00507928 - Reactive adsorption and photodegradation of soman and dimethyl methylphosphonate on TiO2/nanodiamond composites (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00507959 - New smectogens with (S)-2-methylbutyl lactate group in the terminal chain and chlorine-substituted molecular core (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00507993 - Influence of antiphase and ferroelastic domain boundaries on ferromagnetic domain wall width in multiferroic Ni-Mn-Ga compound (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00508080 - Perovskite ferroelectric tuned by thermal strain (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00508132 - Selective laser melting of pure iron: multiscale characterization of hierarchical microstructure (2019)
Výsledek druhu P RIV/68378271:_____/19:00508365 - Otočný držák práškového vzorku, vakuová sestava vhodná pro umístění do nízkotlakého plazmového reaktoru, jejich použití a způsob plazmové modifikace práškového vzorku (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00509040 - Application of Advanced Microscopic Methods to Study the Interaction of Carboxylated Fluorescent Nanodiamonds with Membrane Structures in THP-1 Cells: Activation of Inflammasome NLRP3 as the Result of Lysosome Destabilization (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00509147 - Determination of tumour biomarkers homovanillic and vanillylmandelic acid using flow injection analysis with amperometric detection at a boron doped diamond electrode (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00509209 - Maximized vertical photoluminescence from optical material with losses employing resonant excitation and extraction of photonic crystal modes (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00509383 - Modification of the surface properties of AlxGa1-xN substrates with gradient aluminum composition using wet chemical treatments (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00509386 - Mapping magnetization states in ultrathin films with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00509390 - Induced frustrated twist grain boundary liquid crystalline phases in binary mixtures of achiral hockey stick-shaped and chiral rod-like materials (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00509402 - Doubling up piezoelectric performance (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00509416 - Thermoelectric properties and stability of Tl-doped SnS (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00509513 - On-surface synthesis of gold porphyrin derivatives via a cascade of chemical interactions: planarization, self-metalation, and intermolecular coupling (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00509519 - Aromatic azide transformation on the Ag(111) surface studied by scanning probe microscopy (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00509523 - Nature of binding in planar halogen-benzene assemblies and their possible visualization in scanning probe microscopy (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00509946 - Manipulation of the magnetoabsorption effect in Co-coated ZnO nanowires with Au decoration (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00510829 - Structural, thermodynamic, thermal, and electron transport properties of single-crystalline LaPt2Si2 (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00511026 - Electrical and optical characteristics of boron doped nanocrystalline diamond films (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00511050 - Simple non-destructive method of ultrathin film material properties and generated internal stress determination using microcantilevers immersed in air (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00511052 - Thermal plasma spraying as a new approach for preparation of zinc biodegradable scaffolds: a complex material characterization (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00511053 - Flexoelectric polarization induced by inhomogeneous heating and implications for energy harvesting (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00511105 - Efficient green emission from edge states in graphene perforated by nitrogen plasma treatment (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00511139 - Effect of process parameters on non-modulated Ni-Mn-Ga alloy manufactured using powder bed fusion (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00511161 - Effect of hydrogen chloride etching on carrier recombination processes of indium phosphide nanowires (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00511336 - Optoelectronic properties of hydrogenated amorphous substoichiometric silicon carbide with low carbon content deposited at high temperature on semi-transparent boron-doped diamond (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00511346 - Electron and hole trapping in Eu- or Eu,Hf-doped LuPO4 and YPO4 tracked by EPR and TSL spectroscopy (2019)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/19:00511377 - Vákuové technológie vo výrobnom procese diamantových senzorov pre detekciu organických a anorganických látok (2019)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/19:00511393 - Preferable adhesion of anti-epileptic drug on hydrogen terminated nanodiamonds: FTIR study (2019)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/19:00511405 - Recent activities of IoP CAS in the field of diamond bioapplications (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00511534 - Love-wave devices with continuous and discrete nanocrystalline diamond coating for biosensing applications (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00511540 - Recoverability of large strains and deformation twinning in martensite during tensile deformation of NiTi shape memory alloy polycrystals (2019)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/19:00511648 - Nanocrystalline diamond films heavily doped by boron: structure, optical and electrical properties (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00511956 - High temperature dielectric properties of PMN-PSN-PZN relaxors (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00512093 - Floating harmonic probe for diagnostic of pulsed discharges (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00512095 - Photo-electrochemical stability of copper oxide photocathodes deposited by reactive high power impulse magnetron sputtering (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00512097 - In-situ impedance spectroscopy of a plasma-semiconductor thin film system during reactive sputter deposition (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00517113 - Core-Shell ZnO:Ga-SiO2 nanocrystals: limiting particle agglomeration and increasing luminescence via surface defect passivation (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00517352 - Novel cerium bisphosphinate coordination polymer and unconventional metal-organic framework (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00517457 - Temperature and microstructure dependence of localized tensile deformation of superelastic NiTi wires (2019)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/19:00517472 - Enhancement of photocatalytic properties of Co+2:ZnO nanowires by applied magnetic field (2019)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/19:00517473 - The optical properties of metal oxide nanorods (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00517535 - Structured and graphitized boron doped diamond electrodes: Impact on electrochemical detection of Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00517725 - Conductivity of boron-doped diamond at high electrical field (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00517757 - Dynamics of mesoscopic polarization in the uniaxial tetragonal tungsten bronze (SrxBai1-x)Nb2O6 (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00517868 - Infrared absorption spectroscopy of albumin binding with amine-containing plasma polymer coatings on nanoporous diamond surfaces (2019)
Výsledek druhu C RIV/68378271:_____/19:00518244 - Skyrmions in ferroelectric materials (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00518875 - Black aluminum-coated Pt/Pb(Zr0.56Ti0.44)03/Pt thin film structures for pyroelectric energy harvesting from a light source (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00518879 - Time-resolved optical emission spectroscopy of a unipolar and a bipolar pulsed magnetron sputtering discharge in an argon/oxygen gas mixture with a cobalt target (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00518981 - Evidence for spin-glass ground state in fluorite-defect Er2Zr2O7 single crystals (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00519115 - Precession electron diffraction tomography on twinned crystals: application to CaTiO3 thin films (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00519118 - Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of zinc and cadmium linear-chain compounds with anionic monoalkoxy-tetracyanopropenes bridged by 4,4 '-bipyridines (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00519315 - Stability of the surface termination of nanocrystalline diamond and diamond-like carbon films exposed to open air conditions (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00519367 - Rod-like particles of silica-coated maghemite: synthesis via akaganeite, characterization and biological properties (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00519372 - The effect of magnetic field strength and geometry on the deposition rate and ionized flux fraction in the HiPIMS discharge (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00519384 - Ion formation in an argon and argon-oxygen gas mixture of a magnetron sputtering discharge (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00519578 - Specifics of the data processing of precession electron diffraction tomography data and their implementation in the program PETS2.0 (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00519744 - Coherent phonon dynamics in diamond detected via multiphoton absorption (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00520182 - Ga for Al substitution effects on the garnet phase stability and luminescence properties of Gd3GaxAl5-xO12:Ce single crystals (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00520201 - Nucleation of diamond micro-patterns with photoluminescent SiV centers controlled by amorphous silicon thin films (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00520320 - Temperature dependence of the urbach energy in lead iodide perovskites (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00520327 - Luminescence and scintillation properties of rare-earth-doped LaAlO3 single crystals (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00520328 - B2 ⇒ B19′ ⇒ B2T martensitic transformation as a mechanism of plastic deformation of NiTi (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00520330 - Luminescence and scintillation properties of strontium hafnate and strontium zirconate single crystals (2019)
Výsledek druhu P RIV/68378271:_____/19:00520336 - Způsob generování nízkoteplotního plazmatu, způsob povlakování vnitřního povrchu dutých elektricky vodivých nebo feromagnetických trubic a zařízení pro provádění těchto způsobů (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00520350 - Non-destructive depth profile reconstruction of single-layer graphene using angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00520351 - The comparative study of electrical, optical and catalytic properties of Co3O4 thin nanocrystalline films prepared by reactive high-power impulse and radio frequency magnetron sputtering (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00520354 - Co3O4 thin films prepared by hollow cathode discharge (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00520357 - Alpha and gamma spectroscopy of composite scintillators based on the LuAG:Pr crystals and single crystalline films of LuAG:Ce and (Lu,Gd, Tb)AG:Ce garnets (2019)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/19:00520360 - Enhanced room temperature exciton photoluminescence of plasma hydrogenated ZnO nanocolumns (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00520847 - Thermal annealing effects in polycrystalline EuTiO3 and Eu2Ti2O7 (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00520899 - Terahertz pulse emission from epitaxial n-InAs in a magnetic field (2019)
Výsledek druhu C RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521120 - Soft polar phonon mode in SrTiO3 single crystals, ceramics and thin films (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521231 - Interface dipoles of Ir(ppy)3 on Cu(111) (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521271 - Chiral Surface from achiral ingredients: modification of Cu(110) with phthalic acid (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521298 - Magnetism of 4f-atoms adsorbed on metal and graphene substrates (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521301 - Spin-orbit coupling induced degeneracy in the anisotropic unconventional superconductor UTe2 (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521377 - On the importance of onset times and multiple-wavelength analysis of photoluminescence decays (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521379 - Comparative study of catalyst-induced doping and metal incorporation in silicon nanowires (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521380 - Energy transfer channel between silicon nanocrystals and an optical center emitting above their bandgap (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521385 - Towards a germanium and silicon laser: the history and the present (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521395 - Non-thermal plasma, as a new physicochemical source, to induce redox imbalance and subsequent cell death in liver cancer cell lines (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521399 - Remote actuation of apoptosis in liver cancer cells via magneto-mechanical modulation of iron oxide nanoparticles (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521400 - Targeting the mTOR signaling pathway utilizing nanoparticles: A critical overview (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521437 - Matrices of ferromagnetic microwires for the control of cellular dynamics and localized delivery of medicines (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521559 - Development of a novel red-emitting cesium hafnium iodide scintillator (2019)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521611 - Magnetoelectric excitations in polar antiferromagnetic nickel tellurates substituted by Mn and Co (2019)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521689 - Spin and lattice dynamics of multiferroic SrMn7O12 studied by THz and infrared spectroscopies at low temperatures and in magnetic field (2019)
Výsledek druhu C RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521762 - Influence of selected cryoprotectants on regeneration of cryopreserved cells properties (2019)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521781 - Optoelectronic properties of hydrogenated amorphous substoichiometric a-SiC:H with low carbon content deposited on semi-transparent ZnO (2019)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521839 - Diamond aminated with plasma polymer as biocompatible substrate for protein attachment (2019)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521853 - Optoelectronic properties of thin film amorphous hydrogenated silicon carbide diodes deposited on transparent boron-doped diamond (2019)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521879 - Luminescence and scintillation properties of strontium hafnate and strontium zirconate single crystals (2019)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/19:00521976 - Influence of precursors and growth conditions on defect states in ZnO nanorods (2019)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/19:00522068 - The metallic nanoparticles integrated into thin layers of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (2019)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/19:00522073 - High temperature PIN diodes based on amorphous hydrogenated silicon carbide and boron-doped diamond thin films (2019)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/19:00522081 - The photoluminescence and optical absorptance of plasma hydrogenated nanocrystalline ZnO thin films (2019)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/19:00522088 - Non-stoichiometry in Cs2HfCl6 material and study of its influence on the CsCl-HfCl4 phase diagram using DSC-TG analysis (2019)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/19:00522386 - New binary refractory metal-Fe intermetallic compounds for hard magnet applications (2019)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/19:00522709 - Relation between optical and microscopic properties of hydrogenated silicon thin films with integrated germanium and tin nanoparticles (2019)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/19:00522710 - Germanium and tin nanoparticles encapsulated in amorphous silicon matrix for optoelectronic application (2019)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/19:00536091 - Two BCC-phases in refractory high entropy alloys (2019)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/19:00536713 - Microstructure and mechanical properties of the potentially biodegradable ternary system Zn-Mg0. 8-Ca0.2 (2019)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/19:00537920 - Detection and characterization of defect states in organometallic halide perovskites (2019)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/19:00538604 - ZnMg0.8Ca/Sr0.2 ternary alloys - the influence of the third element on material properties (2019)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/19:00539244 - SIMS studies of MOVPE GaN/InGaN scintilator nano-structures (2019)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/19:00539247 - The plasma hydrogenation of nanostructured ZnO powder (2019)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00523791 - The bio-chemically selective interaction of hydrogenated and oxidized ultra-small nanodiamonds with proteins and cells (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00524270 - Robust Aluminum and Iron Phosphinate Metal-Organic Frameworks for Efficient Removal of Bisphenol A (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00524856 - Preparation of nanoliposomes by microfluidic mixing in herring-bone channel and the role of membrane fluidity in liposomes formation (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00524860 - 3D printing materials for generators of active particles based on electrical discharges (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00524861 - Modeling the motion of ferroelectric domain walls with the classical Stefan problem (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00524868 - Proinflammatory Effect of Carbon-Based Nanomaterials: In Vitro Study on Stimulation of Inflammasome NLRP3 via Destabilisation of Lysosomes (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00524998 - High rate deposition of photoactive TiO2 films by hot hollow cathode (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00525009 - The Influence of Powder Milling on Properties of SPS Compacted FeAl (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00525010 - Effect of temperature on fatigue of superelastic NiTi wires (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00525011 - Deformation twinning in martensite affecting functional behavior of NiTi shape memory alloys (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00525023 - Non-conducting polyaniline nanofibrils and their physico-chemical behavior (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00525041 - Optical characterization of low temperature amorphous MoOx, WOX, and VOx prepared by pulsed laser deposition (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00531256 - Phase, composition and structure changes of CoCrNi-based concentrated alloys resulting from high temperature oxidation (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00531703 - Analog of the induction law for the magnetic Barkhausen noise (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00531758 - Structural, magnetic, and spin dynamical properties of the polar antiferromagnets Ni3-xCoxTeO6 (x=1, 2) (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00531759 - Temperature-independent giant dielectric response in transitional BaTiO3 thin films (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00531760 - Spin-phonon interaction increased by compressive strain in antiferromagnetic MnO thin films (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00531771 - Controlling the transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect in Cr/NiFe bilayer thin films by changing the thicknesses of the Cr layer (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00531774 - Modulation of living cell behavior with ultra-low fouling polymer brush interfaces (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00531792 - Semiconducting p-type copper iron oxide thin films deposited by hybrid reactive-HiPIMS plus ECWR and reactive-HiPIMS magnetron plasma system (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00531899 - Spin echo studies on Fe3+ ions in GaN: spin-phonon relaxation and ligand hyperfine interactions (2020)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/20:00531981 - Pulse measurements of small area thin film mu c-Si:H/ZnO:B photodiodes (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532015 - Characterization of newly developed zinc composite with the content of 8 wt.% of hydroxyapatite particles processed by extrusion (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532031 - Reading depth of the magnetic Barkhausen noise. I. One-phase semi-hard ribbons (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532133 - Characterization of a Zn-Ca5(PO4)3(OH) Composite with a High Content of the Hydroxyapatite Particles Prepared by the Spark Plasma Sintering Process (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532134 - Extrusion of the biodegradable ZnMg0.8Ca0.2 alloy The influence of extrusion parameters on microstructure and mechanical characteristics (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532135 - ZnMg0.8Ca0.2 (wt%) biodegradable alloy - the influence of thermal treatment and extrusion on microstructural and mechanical characteristics (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532152 - Multiple charge density wave states and magnetism in NdPt2Si2 against the background of its nonmagnetic analog LaPt2Si2 (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532457 - The ε-AlxFe2-xO3 nanomagnets as MRI contrast agents: Factors influencing transverse relaxivity (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532459 - Magnetic nanoparticles of Ga-substituted ε-Fe2O3 for biomedical applications: magnetic properties, transverse relaxivity, and effects of silica-coated particles on cytoskeletal networks (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532556 - Rare-earth ions incorporation into Lu2Si2O7 scintillator crystals: electron paramagnetic resonance and luminescence study (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532640 - Germaniový a křemíkový laser: historické ohlédnutí a současnost (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532821 - Anisotropy of fracture in hexagonal metals (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532824 - TEM analysis of deformation bands created by tensile deformation of superelastic NiTi wires (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532833 - Complex shearing of extruded tube (CSET) method for production of tubes with ultra-fine-grained structure (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532934 - Luminescence and scintillation properties of Mg2+ codoped Lu0.6Gd2.4Al2Ga3O12:Ce single crystal (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532955 - Microstructure evolution in two-step-sintering process toward transparent Ce:(Y,Gd)3(Ga,Al)5O12 scintillation ceramics (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532980 - Tungsten co-doping effects on Ce:Gd3Ga3Al2O12 scintillator grown by micro-pulling down method. (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532981 - New perspectives for heavily boron-doped diamond Raman spectrum analysis (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532986 - Broadband dielectric spectroscopy of La0.65Sr0.35MnO3@TiO2 core–shell nanocomposites (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532988 - Strain effect on magnetic-exchange-induced phonon splitting in NiO films (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00532989 - Magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic Z-type hexaferrite revealed by electric-field-modulated magnetic resonance studies (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533005 - Photonic crystal cavity-enhanced emission from silicon vacancy centers in polycrystalline diamond achieved without postfabrication fine-tuning (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533015 - Thermal analysis of cesium hafnium chloride using DSC–TG under vacuum, nitrogen atmosphere, and in enclosed system (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533017 - Oxygen-vacancy donor-electron center in Y3Al5O12 garnet crystals: Electron paramagnetic resonance and dielectric spectroscopy study (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533020 - The red and blue luminescence in silicon nanocrystals with oxidized, nitrogen-containing shell (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533075 - Oxygen vacancy dipoles in strained epitaxial BaTiO3 films (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533093 - Effect of static magnetic field on DNA synthesis: the interplay between DNA chirality and magnetic field left‐right asymmetry (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533095 - Variability of Eu2+ emission features in multicomponent alkali-metal-rare-earth sulfides (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533108 - Temperature shift of the zero-phonon f–f lines of Er3+ luminescence in quantum paraelectric KTaO3 (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533110 - Multiple optical impacts of anion doping in epitaxial barium titanate films (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533176 - Ni nanoparticles in TiO2 films and their magnetic properties (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533292 - Antiphase boundaries, magnetic domains, and magnetic vortices in Ni-Mn-Ga single crystals (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533389 - Charge transfer from doubly charged ions of transition elements in a neon glow discharge: evidence based on emission spectra (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533390 - Glow discharge excitation and ionization of chromium, comparison with iron (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533561 - Reading depth of the magnetic Barkhausen noise. II. Two-phase surface-treated steels (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533603 - Mesomorphic properties of lactic acid derivatives and their racemic mixtures in comparison with analogous non-chiral compounds. (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533605 - Seemingly anisotropic magnetodielectric effect in isotropic EuTiO3 ceramics (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533709 - Bimodal microstructure in an AlZrTi alloy prepared by mechanical milling and spark plasma sintering (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533915 - Nanosphere lithography for structuring polycrystalline diamond films (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533963 - Environmental fatigue of superelastic NiTi wire with two surface finishes (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533965 - Sideways deposition rate and ionized flux fraction in dc and high power impulse magnetron sputtering (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533967 - Time-resolved Langmuir probe diagnostics of a bipolar high power impulse magnetron sputtering discharge (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533971 - Time-resolved diagnostics of a bipolar HiPIMS discharge (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00533973 - Plasma diagnostics in reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering system working in Ar + H2S gas mixture (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00534419 - Luminescence properties of Lucalox-CS alumina substrates (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00534420 - Light-induced modulation of the mitochondrial respiratory chain activity: possibilities and limitations (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00534440 - Ferromagnetic glasscoated microwires for cell manipulation (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00534545 - Systematic trends of transformation temperatures and crystal structure of Ni-Mn-Ga-Fe-Cu alloys (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00534551 - The role of substitution in the apex position of the bent-core on mesomorphic properties of new series of liquid crystalline materials (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00534553 - Antiphase boundaries in Ni-Mn-Ga ordered compound (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00534669 - Influence of processing conditions on properties of AISI 316LN steel grade (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00534674 - Enantiorecognition ability of different chiral selectors for separation of liquid crystals in supercritical fluid chromatography, critical evaluation (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00534708 - Diode-pumped laser and spectroscopic properties of Yb,Ho:GGAG at 2 µm and 3 µm (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00534717 - Self-Assembling behavior of smart nanocomposite system: Ferroelectric liquid crystal confined by stretched porous polyethylene film (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00534726 - Large uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of hexagonal Fe-Hf-Sb alloys (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00534727 - Magnetic anisotropy of a Dy atom on a graphene/Cu(111) surface (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00534731 - Electronic structure engineering achieved via organic ligands in silicon nanocrystals (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00534792 - Magnetic properties of Mn-doped Bi2Se3 topological insulators: ab initio calculations (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00534800 - Large anomalous Hall angle in the Fe60Al40 alloy induced by substitutional atomic disorder (2020)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/20:00534820 - Temperature influence on Er:GGAG crystal spectroscopic properties and its lasing at 3 μm (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00535112 - Hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of core level shifts at buried GaP/Si(001) interfaces (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00535113 - Photocontrollable photonic crystals based on porous silicon filled with photochromic liquid crystalline mixture (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00535202 - Enhanced thermoelectric performance of chalcopyrite nanocomposite via co-milling of synthetic and natural minerals (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00535204 - Proton dynamics in superprotonic Rb3H(SeO4)2 crystal by broadband dielectric spectroscopy (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00535217 - Raman spectra of fine-grained materials from first principles (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00535331 - Statistical and analytical approaches to finite-temperature magnetic properties of the compound SmFe12 (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00535495 - Magnetic Anisotropy of Rocks: A New Classification of Inverse Magnetic Fabrics to Help Geological Interpretations (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00535738 - Fabrication and properties of Gd2O22:Tb scintillation ceramics for the high-resolution neutron imaging (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00536051 - Photosensitive bent-core compounds with azo-group attached to the central ring (2020)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/20:00536076 - Broad-band spectroscopy of nanoconfined water molecules (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00536151 - Peculiar magnetic and transport properties of CuFeS2: defects play a key role (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00536157 - Nanograined n- and p-type chalcopyrite CuFeS2 prepared by mechanochemical synthesis and sintered by SPS (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00536159 - Optical and magnetic properties of nanostructured cerium-doped LaMgAl11O19 (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00536163 - Comparative study of structural, optical and magnetic properties of Er3+ doped yttrium gallium borates (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00536206 - GaP/Si(001) interface study by XPS in combination with Ar gas cluster ion beam sputtering (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00536228 - Scintillation characteristics of YAlO3:Pr perovskite single crystals (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00536230 - High-temperature PIN diodes based on amorphous hydrogenated silicon-carbon alloys and boron-doped diamond thin films (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00536232 - Ni-mediated reactions in nanocrystalline diamond on Si substrates: the role of the oxide barrier (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00536252 - Relationship between Li/Ce concentration and the luminescence properties of codoped Gd3(Ga, Al)5O12:Ce (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00536301 - Amorphous/crystalline silicon interface stability: correlation between infrared spectroscopy and electronic passivation properties (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00536309 - Optical properties of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well structures grown on GaN and sapphire substrates (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00536507 - Metal-insulator transition in (Pr, Y)0.7Ca0.3CoO3 in the far-infrared spectral region (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00536705 - Zero-dimensional Cs3Cu2I5 perovskite single crystal as sensitive X-ray and γ-ray scintillator (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537368 - Multifunctional Fe3O4-Au nanoparticles for the MRI diagnosis and potential treatment of liver cancer (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537371 - Critical analysis of non-thermal plasma-driven modulation of immune cells from clinical perspective (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537487 - Mesomorphic, structural, electro-optic and dynamic properties of lactic acid derivative and its selectively deuterated isotopomers by means of electro-optics, SAXS, 2H-NMR and neutron spin-echo spectroscopy (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537526 - Giant permittivity effects from the core-shell structure modeling of the dielectric spectra (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537611 - Making EuO multiferroic by epitaxial strain engineering (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537676 - Effect of shape and size of filler particle on the aggregation and sedimentation behavior of the polymer composite (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537679 - Study of interfacial adhesion between nickel-titanium shape memory alloy and a polymer matrix by laser surface pattern (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537681 - Simultaneous measurements of thermostimulated exo-electron emission, luminescence, and desorption from a KBr single crystal (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537683 - Deuteron NMR investigation on orientational order parameter in polymer dispersed liquid crystal elastomers (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537700 - Chiral photoresponsive liquid crystalline materials derived from cyanoazobenzene central core: effect of UV light illumination on mesomorphic behavior (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537706 - Crystal structure of the uranyl-molybdate mineral calcurmolite Ca[(UO2)3(MoO4)2(OH)4](H2O)~5.0: insights from a precession electron-diffraction tomography study (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537800 - Phase behaviour and heat capacities of selected 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium-based ionic liquids (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537871 - How humidity and light exposure change the photophysics of metal halide perovskite solar cells (2020)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537889 - Growth and characterization of zirconium-doped cesium hafnium chloride crystals for scintillators (2020)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537899 - The optical emission spectroscopy of the inductively coupled plasma used for modification of chemical, optical and electronic properties of nanostructured ZnO (2020)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537908 - Growth of perovskite oxide single crystals and their luminescence and scintillation properties (2020)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537949 - Complexity of perovskites absorption measurements (2020)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/20:00537984 - Depth profiling of the optical absorption in MAPbBr3 single crystals (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538068 - Fabrication of black aluminium thin films by magnetron sputtering (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538073 - Correlation between crystallization and oxidation process of ScN films exposed to air (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538084 - Finite-temperature magnetic properties of Sm2Fe17Nx using an ab initio effective spin model (2020)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538213 - Studium vlivu složení ve směsi CsCl-HfCl4 na její tepelné vlastnosti v uzavřeném systému pomocí DSC analýzy (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538273 - Microstructural characterization and optimization of the ZnMg0.8(CaO)0.26 alloy processed by ball milling and subsequent extrusion (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538302 - Towards quantitative interpretation of Fourier-transform photocurrent spectroscopy on thin-film solar cells (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538344 - Nanocrystalline diamond electrolyte-gates in field effect transistor for a prolific aptasensing HIV-1 tat on hydrogen-terminated surface (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538351 - Elucidating the role of TiCl4 post-treatment on percolation of TiO2 electron transport layer in perovskite solar cells (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538408 - Dielectric and conducting properties of unintentionally and Sn-doped beta-Ga2O3 studied by terahertz spectroscopy (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538486 - Gas aggregated Ag NPs as a matrix for small molecules: a study on natural amino acids (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538500 - Investigation of laser-produced plasma multistructuring by floating probe measurements and optical emission spectroscopy (2020)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538567 - Studium tepelných vlastností deagregovaných detonačních nanodiamantů metodami DSC-TG-MS (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538607 - Influence of precursor age on defect states in ZnO nanorods (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538610 - Random tessellations marked with crystallographic orientations (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538662 - Al2O3 and Pt atomic layer deposition for surface modification of NiTi shape memory films (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538671 - Specific absorption in Y3Al5O12:Eu ceramics and the role of stable Eu2+ in energy transfer processes (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538744 - Simple model for high-frequency pyroelectric energy harvesting (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538757 - Functionalizable antifouling coatings as tunable platforms for the stress-driven manipulation of living cell machinery (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538767 - Optics of epitaxial strained strontium titanate films (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538768 - In situ anion-doped epitaxial strontium titanate films (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538905 - Multiple shaped-crystal growth of oxide scintillators using Mo crucible and die by the edge defined film fed growth method (2020)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/20:00538909 - The plasma hydrogenation of hedgehog-like ZnO nanopowder (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00539011 - Control of Mooij correlations at the nanoscale in the disordered metallic Ta–nanoisland FeNi multilayers (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00539019 - Charge transport in epitaxial barium titanate films (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00539022 - Oxygen vacancies in perovskite oxide piezoelectrics (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00539099 - Electroluminescence of thin film p-i-n diodes based on a-SiC:H with integrated Ge nanoparticles star (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00539107 - Room temperature plasma hydrogenation – an effective way to suppress defects in ZnO nanorods (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00539179 - Nucleation and growth of metal-catalyzed silicon nanowires under plasma (2020)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/20:00539263 - Mass production of hydrogenated ZnO nanorods (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00539389 - Role of the paramagnetic donor-like defects in the high n-type conductivity of the hydrogenated ZnO microparticles (2020)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/20:00539508 - Complex volume changes induced by high pressure and external magnetic field in Ni2MnSn-based alloy (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00539699 - Quantum dissipation driven by electron transfer within a single molecule investigated with atomic force microscopy (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00539713 - Controlling single molecule conductance by a locally induced chemical reaction on individual thiophene units (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00539783 - Self-assembling behaviour of new functional photosensitive cinnamoyl-based reactive mesogens (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00539812 - Terahertz spectroscopy of nanomaterials: a close look at charge-carrier transport (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00539813 - Targeted chemical pressure yields tuneable millimetre-wave dielectric (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00540097 - Immuno-probed graphene nanoplatelets on electrolyte-gated field-effect transistor for stable cortisol quantification in serum (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00540178 - Zr alloy protection against high-temperature oxidation: coating by a double-layered structure with active and passive functional properties (2020)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/20:00540385 - ZnO as transparent and conductive oxide versus diamond thin films for PIN diodes based on a-SiC:H deposited at temperatures between 350–450 °C (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00540408 - Emission spectroscopic diagnostics of weakly ionized argon-diluted plasmas: glow discharge and inductively coupled plasma (2020)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/20:00540749 - Optimization of diamond growth on structured, soft and brittle substrates (2020)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/20:00540751 - Front-side diamond deposition on the GaN membranes (2020)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/20:00540753 - Direct deposition of CVD diamond layers on the top of GaN membranes (2020)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/20:00540758 - Role of Urbach Energy in Photovoltaics (2020)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/20:00540759 - Possibilities of laser recrystallization and laser ablation in thin-layer structures based on a-Si:H (2020)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/20:00540761 - Growth and scintillation properties of perovskite single crystals (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00541706 - Impact of cation multiplicity on halide perovskite defect densities and solar cell voltages (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00542481 - Revisiting thin film of glassy carbon (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00545212 - Light yield and timing characteristics of Lu0.8Gd2.2(Al5-xGax)O12:Ce,Mg single crystals (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00553933 - Dielectric ordering of water molecules arranged in a dipolar lattice (2020)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/20:00554180 - Role of photovoltaic solar cells in the ongoing energy systems transformation (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00560618 - Fast UHPLC enantioseparation of liquid crystalline materials with chiral center based on octanol in reversed-phase and polar organic mode (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00560792 - A multiscale study of hot-extruded CoNiGa ferromagnetic shape-memory alloys (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00561778 - Magneto-rheological elastomer composites. A review (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00563604 - Association of late life depression, (Non-) modifiable risk and protective factors with dementia and Alzheimer's disease: Literature review on current evidences, preventive interventions and possible future trends in prevention and treatment of dementia (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00563767 - Mass spectrometry of heavy analytes and large biological aggregates by monitoring changes in the quality factor of nanomechanical resonators in air (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/20:00563777 - Numerical microstructure model of NiTi wire reconstructed from 3D-XRD data (2020)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00535347 - On-surface synthesis of polyferrocenylene and its single-chain conformational and electrical transport properties (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541545 - Ternary sulfides ALnS2:Eu2+ (A = Alkaline Metal, Ln = rare-earth element) for lighting: Correlation between the host structure and Eu2+ emission maxima (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541639 - Laterally substituted biphenyl benzoates - synthesis and mesomorphic properties (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541643 - Anomalous Nernst effect in the ceramic and thin film samples of La0.7Sr0.3CoO3 perovskite (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541653 - Human osteoblast-like SAOS-2 cells on submicron-scale fibers coated with nanocrystalline diamond films (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541667 - Effective control of optical purity by chiral HPLC separation for ester-based liquid crystalline materials forming anticlinic smectic phases (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541668 - Magnetic, FMR and mössbauer studies of nanocrystalline greigite (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541682 - Gas aggregated Ag nanoparticles as the inorganic matrix for laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541687 - Deposition of cobalt oxide films by reactive pulsed magnetron sputtering (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541691 - Modelling and measurement of magnetically soft nanowire arrays for sensor applications (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541701 - Hydrogen disorder in kaatialaite Fe[AsO2(OH)2]5H2O from Jáchymov, Czech Republic: determination from low-temperature 3D electron diffraction (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541716 - Undoped and Eu, Na co-doped LiCaAlF6 scintillation crystals: paramagnetic centers, charge trapping and energy transfer properties (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541720 - Non-hygroscopic, self-absorption free, and efficient 1D CsCu2I3 perovskite single crystal for radiation detection (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541724 - Correlation of emission, scintillation and charge trapping properties in Cs2HfCl6 and Cs2ZrCl6 single crystals (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541737 - Size and nitrogen inhomogeneity in detonation and laser synthesized primary nanodiamond particles revealed via salt-assisted deaggregation (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541741 - Non-thermal pulsed plasma activated water: environmentally friendly way for efficient surface modification of semiconductor nanoparticles (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541744 - Properties of boron-doped (113) oriented homoepitaxial diamond layers (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541748 - Thermoelectric Cu-S-based materials synthesized via a scalable mechanochemical process (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541750 - Magnetic properties, 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and 1H NMR relaxometry of ε-Fe2-xGaxO3 nanoparticles: The effect of gallium doping on magnetic and MRI performance (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541752 - Temperature and field dependences of transverse relaxivity of Co-Zn ferrite nanoparticles coated with silica: the role of magnetic properties and different regimes (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541754 - Electron emission from H-terminated diamond enhanced by polypyrrole grafting (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541769 - Soft-mode spectroscopy of ferroelectrics and multiferroics: A review (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541771 - Trap-state-induced Becquerel type of photoluminescence decay in DPA-activated silicon nanocrystals (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541772 - Krupičkaite, Cu6[AsO3(OH)]6·8H2O, a new copper arsenate mineral from Jáchymov (Czech Republic) (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541774 - Modulation of the cell membrane potential and intracellular protein transport by high magnetic fields (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541806 - Laser shock peening of copper poly- and single crystals (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541810 - Synthesis new Co-Mn mixed oxide catalyst for the production of light olefins by tuning the catalyst structure (2021)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541820 - ZnO nanorods alloyed with Mo/Er. The effect of post-deposition treatment on defect states and luminescence (2021)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541821 - Effect of ZnO nanoparticle sizes and illumination on growth inhibition of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in cultivation medium (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541825 - Selective laser melting of iron: multiscale characterization of mechanical properties (2021)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541826 - Optical emission spectroscopy of radio frequency inductively coupled plasma for cold hydrogenation of nanoparticles (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541846 - Control of oxidative stress in Jurkat cells as a model of leukemia treatment (2021)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541850 - Bactericidal effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles on Gram-positive and Gram-negative strains in reverse spin bioreactor (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00541898 - A remark on the excitation of Pd II levels between 8.1 and 9.5 eV in argon and krypton discharges (K. Wagatsuma, Spectrochim. Acta Part B 175 (2021) 106018) (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542113 - Optical and scintillation properties of LuGd2Al2Ga3O12:Ce, Lu2GdAl2Ga3O12:Ce, and Lu2YAl2Ga3O12:Ce single crystals: A comparative study. (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542411 - Novel method of search for transparent optical materials with extremely high melting point (2021)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542442 - Plasma hydrogenation of hydrothermally grown ZnO micropods (2021)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542446 - Growth and properties of diamond films prepared on 4-inch substrates by cavity plasma systems (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542480 - Magnetic order in Mn excess Ni-Mn-Ga Heusler alloy single crystal probed by ferromagnetic resonance (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542507 - Panskyite, Pd9Ag2Pb2S4, a new platinum group mineral from the Southern Kievey ore occurrence of the Fedorova–Pana layered intrusion, Kola Peninsula, Russia (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542675 - Coherent electric field manipulation of Fe3+ spins in PbTiO3 (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542677 - Influence of Mo doping on the luminescence properties and defect states in ZnO nanorods. Comparison with ZnO:Mo thin films (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542681 - Luminescence and scintillation properties of Gd3Sc2(Al3-xGax)O12:Ce (x = 1, 2, 3) garnet crystals (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542725 - Depth profile of acceptor concentration in InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542805 - Luminescence redshift of thick InGaN/GaN heterostructures induced by the migration of surface adsorbed atoms (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542812 - Effect of roughness and nanoporosity on optical properties of black and reflective Al films prepared by magnetron sputtering (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542816 - Oxidation of amorphous HfNbTaTiZr high entropy alloy thin films prepared by DC magnetron sputtering (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542865 - Mesomorphic properties of non-symmetric bent-core liquid crystals with a lateral substituent in the apex position (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542878 - Effect of pulsed laser annealing on optical and structural properties of ZnO:Eu thin film (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542910 - A new electron diffraction approach for structure refinement applied to Ca3Mn2O7 (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542925 - Spin-spiral state of a Mn monolayer on W(110) studied by soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy at variable temperature (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542947 - Polymorphism of anhydrous oxalic acid unravelled (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00542979 - Size effects on surface chemistry and Raman spectra of sub-5 nm oxidized high-pressure high-temperature and detonation nanodiamonds (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00543043 - Effect of oxygen pressure on stoichiometric transfer in laser ablation of Pr3+ doped Gd2O3-Ga2O3 binary system (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00543045 - Hysteretic structural changes within five-layered modulated 10M martensite of Ni-Mn-Ga(-Fe) (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00543053 - Ferroelectric soft mode and microwave dielectric relaxation in BaTiO3-PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 ceramics (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00543076 - Influence of ceramic particles character on resulted properties of zinc-hydroxyapatite/monetite composites (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00543140 - Analysis of thickness-dependent electron transport in magnetron sputtered ZrN films by spectroscopic ellipsometry (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00543378 - Direct treatment of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and melon (Cucumis melo) seeds by amplitude-modulated dielectric barrier discharge in air (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00543533 - Transport properties of AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures with back barrier: impact of dislocation density and improved design (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00543534 - Electronic and heat transport phenomena in the nanogranular thiospinel Fe3S4 (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00543546 - Design of metastable oxychalcogenide phases by topochemical (de)intercalation of sulfur in La2O2S2 (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00543634 - Design and self-assembling behaviour of calamitic reactive mesogens with lateral methyl and methoxy substituents and vinyl terminal group (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00543733 - Transformation of free-standing ZnO nanorods upon Er doping (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00543820 - Possible role of extracellular tissue in biological neural networks (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00543822 - Phase behaviour and heat capacities of selected 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium-based ionic liquids II (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00543889 - EPR study of paramagnetic centers in SiO2:C:Zn nanocomposites obtained by infiltration of fumed silica with luminescent Zn(acac)2 solution (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00543937 - Multichiral liquid crystals based on terphenyl core laterally substituted by chlorine atom (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00545125 - Development of composite scintillators based on the LuAG:Pr single crystalline films and LuAG:Sc single crystals (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00545154 - Peculiarities and the red shift of Eu2+ luminescence in Gd3+-admixed YAG phosphors (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00545158 - Crystal growth and optical properties of Ce-doped (La,Y)2Si2O7 single crystal (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00545196 - Scintillation yield and temperature dependence of radioluminescence of (Lu,Gd)3Al5O12:Ce garnet crystals (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00545204 - Synthesis and broadband dielectric-infrared spectroscopy of La1-xSrxMnO3@BaTiO3 nanocomposite (2021)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/21:00545284 - Thermal analysis of Al droplet crystallization and modeling of the nucleation process: how to interpret experimental data? (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00545985 - Cs2HfCl6 doped with Zr: Influence of tetravalent substitution on scintillation properties (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00545991 - Bulk and surface processes in KBr single crystals examined by thermostimulated luminescence and exo-electron emission (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546001 - Evolution of martensitic microstructures in nanocrystalline NiTi wires deformed in tension (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546006 - Effect of microstructure on fatigue of superelastic NiTi wires (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546011 - Experimental and numerical investigation of thermomechanical cycling of notched NiTi shape memory ribbon using SMA model accounting for plastic deformation (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546080 - Scintillation characteristics and temperature quenching of radio- and photoluminescence of Mg2+-codoped (Lu,Gd)3Al2.4Ga2.6O12:Ce garnet crystals (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546089 - In situ monitoring of electrical resistivity and plasma during pulsed laser deposition growth of ultra-thin silver films (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546155 - Pulsed laser deposition of high-transparency molybdenum oxide thin films (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546180 - In-situ plasma monitoring by optical emission spectroscopy during pulsed laser deposition of doped Lu2O3 (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546210 - Microstructural evolution of a 3003 based aluminium alloy during the CSET process (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546228 - Heat treatment of laser powder-bed-fused Co-28Cr-6Mo alloy to remove its microstructural instability by massive FCC→HCP transformation (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546336 - Zn–0.8Mg–0.2Sr (wt.%) absorbable screws—an in-vivo biocompatibility and degradation pilot study on a rabbit model (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546337 - Effect of crystal quality on twinning stress in Ni–Mn–Ga magnetic shape memory alloys (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546341 - Influence of the microstructure of the initial material on the Zn wires prepared by direct extrusion with a huge extrusion ratio (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546345 - Microstructural, mechanical, in vitro corrosion and biological characterization of an extruded Zn-0.8Mg-0.2Sr (wt%) as an absorbable material (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546385 - Mechanochemistry for energy materials: impact of high-energy milling on chemical, electric and thermal transport properties of chalcopyrite CuFeS2 nanoparticles (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546487 - Structure and properties of alloys obtained by aluminothermic reduction of deep-sea nodules (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546490 - Corrosion properties of Mn-based alloys obtained by aluminothermic reduction of deep-sea nodules (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546536 - Emission spectroscopic study of an analytical glow discharge with plane and hollow cathodes: titanium and iron in argon discharge (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546538 - Analysis of hydrogen in inorganic materials and coatings: a critical review (2021)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546550 - Diamond films and structures grown from polyacrylonitrile composites (2021)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546558 - Diamond based solution-gated transistors for biosensor use (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546561 - Hydrogen-terminated diamond surface as a gas sensor: a comparative study of its sensitivities (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546568 - Laser-induced modification of hydrogenated detonation nanodiamonds in ethanol (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546598 - Influence of SiON interlayer on the diamond/GaN heterostructures studied by Raman and SIMS measurements (2021)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546599 - Sputtered nanostructured interfaces used for biochemical sensing (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546600 - Langmuir probe technique for plasma characterization during pulsed laser deposition process (2021)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546604 - Development and measurement of gas sensors based on diamond and transition metal dichalcogenide materials (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546676 - In situ optical and electrical analysis of transient plasmas generated by ns-laser ablation for Ag nanostructured film production (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546679 - Surface plasmon-polariton triggering of Ti3C2Tx MXene catalytic activity for hydrogen evolution reaction enhancement (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00546820 - Molybdenum disorder in hydrated sedovite, ideally U(MoO4)2·nH2O, a microporous nanocrystalline mineral characterized by three-dimensional electron diffraction, density functional theory computations, and complexity analysis (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547019 - Tuneable interplay of plasmonic and molecular excitations in self-assembled silver-fullerene nanocomposites (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547024 - Gamma radiation effects on diamond field-effect biosensors with fibroblasts and extracellular matrix (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547039 - α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, magnetic properties and photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547042 - Hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization and optical properties (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547188 - Pulsed laser deposition of Cs2AgBiBr6: from mechanochemically synthesized powders to dry, single-step deposition (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547190 - Combined in situ photoluminescence and X-ray scattering reveals defect formation in lead-halide perovskite films (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547335 - Temperature-dependent phase composition of fluorinated zinc phthalocyanine thin films and their sensing properties towards gaseous NO2 (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547451 - The cholesteric and TGB phases under the applied electric field (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547452 - Incommensurately modulated structures in Pb(Zr1-xSnx)O3 single crystals by x-ray diffraction (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547454 - Multiple structural components and their competition in the intermediate state of antiferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547505 - Polar phonon behaviour in polycrystalline Bi-doped strontium titanate thin films (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547510 - In situ electric-field control of THz nonreciprocal directional dichroism in the multiferroic Ba2CoGe2O7 (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547520 - Anomalous temperature dependence of the effective mass in p-type Bi2Te3 (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547614 - Origin of luminescence in Bi3+ - doped lanthanide niobates (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547617 - Band bending at heterovalent interfaces: hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of GaP/Si(0 0 1) heterostructures (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547628 - Gd-admixed (Lu,Gd)AlO3 single crystals: breakthrough in heavy perovskite scintillators (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547685 - Full variation of site substitution in Ni-Mn-Ga by ferromagnetic transition metals (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547694 - Electronic structure and magnetic properties of Dy-doped Bi2Te3 (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547702 - UTe2: a nearly insulating half-filled j=5/2 5f3 heavy-fermion metal (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547801 - Magnetostriction and extraordinary exchange spring and exchange bias effects in Ni48Mn39Sn13 Heusler alloy (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547802 - Mass of Abrikosov vortex in high-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-δ./sub (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547870 - Fabrication of thermal plasma sprayed NiTi coatings possessing functional properties (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547875 - Bismuth layer properties in the ultrathin Bi–FeNi multilayer films probed by spectroscopic ellipsometry (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547877 - Electrical conductivity in oxygen-substituted SrTiO3-δ films (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00547974 - Ultrabright and highly efficient all-inorganic zero-dimensional perovskite scintillators (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00548077 - Synthesis, structural characterization and cytotoxicity of a new proton transfer compound based on 2,4-diamino-1,3,5-triazine: an experimental and computational study (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00548476 - Plasmon-assisted MXene grafting: tuning of surface termination and stability enhancement (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00548669 - Magnetic domain structure across the austenite-martensite interface in Ni50Mn25Ga20Fe5 single crystalline thin foil (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00548780 - Carbon-based nanomaterials increase reactivity of primary monocytes towards various bacteria and modulate their differentiation into macrophages (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00548786 - Diamond coating reduces nuclear fuel rod corrosion at accidental temperatures: the role of surface electrochemistry and semiconductivity (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00548819 - Stabilization of light emitting Eu2+ centers inside Ca(Sr)I2:Eu particles in glass ceramics. The preliminary concept of synthesis (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00548915 - Strong confinement-induced nonlinear terahertz response in semiconductor nanostructures revealed by Monte Carlo calculations (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00549131 - Visualizing designer quantum states in stable macrocycle quantum corrals (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00549211 - Theoretical and experimental revision of surface acoustic waves on the (100) plane of silicon (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00549228 - Composition-engineered GSAG garnet: single-crystal host for fast scintillators (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00549622 - Valence fluctuations and Kondo resonance in Co adatom on Cu2N/Cu(100) surface: DFT + ED study (2021)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/21:00549626 - Correlated quasiparticle dispersion and ARPES spectra in UTe2 (2021)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/21:00549629 - Electronic structure and magnetic properties of Dy-doped Bi2Te3 (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00549687 - A complex evaluation of the in-vivo biocompatibility and degradation of an extruded ZnMgSr absorbable alloy implanted into rabbit bones for 360 days (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00549688 - Microstructure evolution and mechanical performance of ternary Zn-0.8Mg-0.2Sr (wt. %) alloy processed by equal-channel angular pressing (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00549692 - Influence of the pre-exposure of a Zn-0.8Mg-0.2Sr absorbable alloy in bovine serum albumin containing media on its surface changes and their impact on the cytocompatibility of the material (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00549810 - The sensitization of scintillation in polymeric composites based on fluorescent nanocomplexes (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00549825 - Phase behavior and heat capacities of biocompatible ionic liquids and low-temperature molten salts (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00549926 - Spectral tuning of diamond photonic crystal slabs by deposition of a thin layer with silicon vacancy centers (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00549940 - Undoped and Tl-doped Cs3Cu2I5 thin films as potential X-ray scintillators (2021)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/21:00549949 - The changes induced on oriented ZnO surface by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) (2021)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/21:00549951 - Surface treatment of ZnO microrods by the inductively coupled hydrogen plasma with self-biased holder (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00549981 - Ultraviolet cross-luminescence in ternary chlorides of alkali and alkaline-earth metals (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00550005 - Effect of W and Mo co-doping on the photo- and thermally stimulated luminescence and defects creation processes in Gd3(Ga,Al)5O12:Ce crystals (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00550756 - Superior elasto-optic tetragonal SrTiO3 films (2021)
Výsledek druhu P RIV/68378271:_____/21:00550970 - Method of low-temperature plasma generation, method of an electrically conductive or ferromagnetic tube coating using pulsed plasma and corresponding devices. (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00551082 - Mesogens with four-benzene molecular core and two lactate units in the chiral chain (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00551091 - Hf1−xZrxO2/ZrO2 nanolaminate thin films as a high‑κ dielectric (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00551199 - Lateral substitution as effective tool for tuning self-organising behaviour of chiral mesogens (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00551355 - Defect structures of magnetic nanoparticles in smectic a liquid crystals (2021)
Výsledek druhu C RIV/68378271:_____/21:00551371 - Scintillators (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00551642 - Ultrafast plasmon thermalization in epitaxial graphene probed by time-resolved THz spectroscopy (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00551647 - Improving security in terahertz wireless links using beam symmetry of vortex and Gaussian beams (2021)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/21:00551983 - Effect of the substrate crystalline orientation on the surface morphology and boron incorporation into epitaxial diamond layers (2021)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552018 - Non-thermal plasma-guided modulation of immune cells. Challenges and Perspectives (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552095 - Symmetry breaking in single-crystal SrTiO3 plates: EPR manifestations (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552097 - Epitaxial growth of perovskite oxide films facilitated by oxygen vacancies (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552099 - Ferroelectric phase transitions induced by a strain gradient (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552103 - Mobile and immobile boundaries in ferroelectric films (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552110 - On the dynamics of transient plasmas generated by nanosecond laser ablation of several metals (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552126 - First-principles calculations of magnetic properties for analysis of magnetization processes in rare-earth permanent magnets (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552144 - Structure and magnetic state of hydrothermally prepared Mn-Zn ferrite nanoparticles (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552189 - Characterization of radical-enhanced atomic layer deposition process based on microwave surface wave generated plasma (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552194 - Titanium dioxide thin films as vacuum ultraviolet photoconductive detectors with enhanced photoconductivity by gamma-ray irradiation (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552224 - Anisotropic chemical expansion due to oxygen vacancies in perovskite films (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552238 - Conductivity in ferroelectric barium titanate: electrons versus oxygen vacancies (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552265 - Symmetry and polarity of antiphase boundaries in PbZrO3 (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552302 - A positively biased external anode for energy control of plasma ions: hollow cathode and magnetron sputtering discharge (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552303 - Direct current and high power impulse magnetron sputtering discharges with a positively biased anode (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552304 - Hysteresis-free piezoresponse in thermally strained ferroelectric barium titanate films (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552556 - Broadband dielectric, terahertz, and infrared spectroscopy of BaTiO3-BaZrO3 solid solution: from proper ferroelectric over diffuse and relaxor ferroelectrics and dipolar glass to normal dielectric (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552562 - Lead-substituted barium hexaferrite for tunable terahertz optoelectronics (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00552621 - Strength of superelastic NiTi velcro-like fasteners (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00553010 - Luminescence and scintillation properties of Mo co-doped Y0.8Gd2.2(Al5-xGax)O12: Ce multicomponent garnet crystals (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00553043 - Tribological behavior of NiTi alloy produced by spark plasma sintering method (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00553124 - Investigation of Cu/NiFe composite wires by SAMR method (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00553126 - Net-shape NiTi shape memory alloy by spark plasma sintering method (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00553761 - Effects of grain boundaries on THz conductivity in the crystalline states of Ge2Sb2Te5 phase-change materials: correlation with DC loss (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00553873 - Surface processes on KBr single crystals examined by thermostimulated exo-electron emission and desorption (2021)
Výsledek druhu P RIV/68378271:_____/21:00553935 - An aqueous-based energy storage system containing an electrolyte of metal perchlorate (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00554090 - Bimolekulární rekombinace (2021)
Výsledek druhu C RIV/68378271:_____/21:00554097 - Optical properties of Si nanocrystals enhanced by ligands (2021)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/21:00554249 - New role of thin films in advanced photovoltaics (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00555071 - Polytypism of cronstedtite from Ouedi Beht, El Hammam, Morocco (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00555688 - Dense ceramics of lanthanide-doped Lu2O3 prepared by spark plasma sintering (2021)
Výsledek druhu P RIV/68378271:_____/21:00555710 - A method for surface modification of semiconductor nanoparticles using non-thermal plasma activated water and product thereof (2021)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/21:00557167 - Intermartensitic transformation between modulated structures in Ni-Mn-Ga(-Fe) single crystal (2021)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/21:00557168 - Hysteretic structural changes within five-layered modulated 10M martensites of Ni-Mn-Ga(-Fe) (2021)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/21:00557522 - Emergence of dark ZnO nanorods by hydrogen plasma treatment (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00557734 - The impact of hydrogenation on structural and superconducting properties of FeTe0.65Se0.35 single crystals (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00560612 - Five new complexes with deferiprone and N,N-donor ligands: evaluation of cytotoxicity against breast cancer MCF-7 cell line and HSA-binding determination (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00560691 - Understanding pulsed laser deposition process of copper halides via plasma diagnostics techniques (2021)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/21:00560819 - TCO work function tuning by nanodiamonds (2021)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/21:00560820 - Polyvinylpyrrolidone coating for nanodiamond stabilization in saline solution and silver nanoparticle decoration (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00560961 - Growth of hard nanostructured ZrN surface induced by copper nanoparticles (2021)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/21:00561007 - General overview of GaN devices and transport properties of AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures - impact of dislocation density and improved design (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00561024 - The electronic properties of SrTiO3-δ with oxygen vacancies or substitutions (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00561026 - Flexoelectricity in metals (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00561029 - Thiolated poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) hydrogels as a degradable biocompatible scaffold for tissue engineering (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00561031 - Mesenchymal stem cells in treatment of spinal cord injury and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00561034 - Influence of humidity on local polarization reversal in a Rb:KTP single crystal (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00561144 - Fine-grained Ce,Y:SrHfO3 scintillation ceramics fabricated by hot isostatic pressing (2021)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/21:00561216 - Ab-initio study of surface energies and structural influece of vacancies in titanium nitride nanolayer (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00561772 - An application review of fiber-reinforced geopolymer composite (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00561774 - Utilization of red mud as a source for metal ions–A review (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00561780 - Investigation of dispersion, interfacial adhesion of isotropic and anisotropic filler in polymer composite (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00561920 - A simple model of heat distribution at various Rayleigh number in silicon elastomer (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00563585 - Deformation infrared calorimetry for materials characterization applied to study cyclic superelasticity in NiTi wires (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00563592 - Lattice defects generated by cyclic thermomechanical loading of superelastic NiTi wire (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00563780 - Shape memory alloys and polymers for MEMS/NEMS applications: review on recent findings and challenges in design, preparation, and characterization (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00566088 - How mobile phase composition and column temperature affect enantiomer elution order of liquid crystals on amylose tris(3-chloro-5-methylphenylcarbamate) as chiral selector (2021)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/21:00567523 - High deposition rate films prepared by reactive HiPIMS (2021)
Výsledek druhu C RIV/68378271:_____/22:00545516 - Thermal Plasma Processing of Materials: High Temperature Applications (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00546044 - The preparation of mono- and multicomponent nanoparticle aggregates with layer-by-layer structure using emulsion templating method in microfluidics (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00548486 - Insight into the plasma oxidation process during pulsed laser deposition (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00548505 - Cold plasma treatment of ZnO:Er nano- and microrods: the effect on luminescence and defects creation (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00548925 - Changes of morphological, optical and electrical properties induced by hydrogen plasma on (0001) ZnO surface (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00552412 - Charge transport in single-crystalline GaAs nanobars: impact of band bending revealed by terahertz spectroscopy (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00553414 - Contact resistance based tactile sensor using covalently cross-linked graphene aerogels (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00553418 - Chaotropic anion based “water-in-salt” electrolyte realizes a high voltage Zn-graphite dual-ion battery (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00553439 - Comparative study of structural and magnetic properties of the Tb3+ion doped into aluminum and gallium borate single crystals (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00553459 - Luminescence mechanism of Sm doped MgAl2O4 nanophosphors: Role of nanoparticle size, samarium content and structural defects (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00554667 - Composite detectors based on single-crystalline films and single crystals of garnet compounds (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00555075 - Methylene blue photodegradation using as-synthesized CeO2 nanoparticles (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00555077 - Polarization in pseudocubic epitaxial relaxed PMN-PT thin films (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00555087 - Effect of element doping and substitution on the electronic structure and macroscopic magnetic properties of SmFe12 -based compounds (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00555821 - Heterodinuclear Cu-Gd (3d-4f) complex with di-compartmental Schiff base ligand in biological activity: Synthesis, crystal structure, catecholase activity and DNA & BSA-binding studies (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00555823 - Effect of Li+ co-doping on the luminescence and defects creation processes in Gd3(Ga,Al)5O12:Ce scintillation crystals (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00555875 - Non-thermal plasma sources based on cometary and point-to-ring discharges (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00555882 - Onset of a superconductor-insulator transition in an ultrathin NbN film under in-plane magnetic field studied by terahertz spectroscopy (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00555883 - Surface processes on lutetium oxide thin films doped with europium at different concentrations (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00555884 - Tailoring pulsed laser deposition of phosphorus doped WOx films from (PO2)4(WO3)4 target by space-resolved optical emission spectroscopy (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00555890 - WO3 and WO3-x thin films prepared by DC hollow cathode discharge (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00555938 - Facile co-precipitation thermal degradation synthesis of CeO2 nanoparticles and their photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556006 - A grease for domain walls motion in HfO2-based ferroelectrics (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556008 - Effect of twinning on angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy analysis of Ni49.7Mn29.1Ga21.2(100) Heusler alloy (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556013 - Growth and comparison of high-quality MW PECVD grown B doped diamond layers on {118}, {115} and {113} single crystal diamond substrates (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556036 - Low-resistance ohmic contacts on boron-doped {113} oriented homoepitaxial diamond layers (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556038 - Photochromic spiropyran-based liquid crystals (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556042 - The role of Mandrel rotation during CSET processing demonstrated on a 3003 aluminium alloy (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556046 - Effect of pulsed methane gas flow on the incorporation of phosphorous in diamond (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556048 - Impact of solvent–drug interactions on the desolvation of a pharmaceutical solvate (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556091 - Effects of high magnetic fields on the diffusion of biologically active molecules (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556140 - Effect of dopant concentration on the optical characteristics of Cr3+: ZnGa2O4 transparent ceramics exhibiting persistent luminescence (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556262 - Effect of substrate crystalline orientation on boron-doped homoepitaxial diamond growth (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556263 - Reversible anion intercalation into graphite from aluminum perchlorate “water‐in‐salt” electrolyte (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556273 - In-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction texture analysis of tensile deformation of nanocrystalline NiTi wire in martensite state (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556288 - Collaboration between 3d-4f metal centers of heterodimetallic Ni(II)-Gd (III) complex in catecholase activity and interaction with FS-DNA & BSA (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556304 - Self-assembling discotic materials with low symmetry for organic photovoltaics (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556424 - Homochiral Mn3+ spin-crossover complexes: a structural and spectroscopic study (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556461 - Free-standing ZnO:Mo nanorods exposed to hydrogen or oxygen plasma: influence on the intrinsic and extrinsic defect states (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556469 - Plasma treatment of Ga-doped ZnO nanorods (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556534 - Predicting solar cell performance from terahertz and microwave spectroscopy (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556570 - Charge trapping processes in hydrothermally grown Er-doped ZnO (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556620 - Coating Ti6Al4V implants with nanocrystalline diamond functionalized with BMP-7 promotes extracellular matrix mineralization in vitro and faster osseointegration in vivo (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556621 - Basic study of ceramic lithium strontium borates as thermal neutron scintillators (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556732 - Preparation and performance of plastic scintillators with copper iodide complex-loaded for radiation detection (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556738 - Untangling the controversy on Ce3+ luminescence in LaAlO3 crystals (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556755 - A highly durable graphene monolayer electrode under long-term hydrogen evolution cycling (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556760 - Hydrothermally grown ZnO:Mo nanorods exposed to X-ray: Luminescence and charge trapping phenomena (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556879 - Poly(4-styrenesulfonic acid-co-maleic anhydride)-coated NaGdF4:Yb,Tb,Nd nanoparticles with luminescence and magnetic properties for imaging of pancreatic islets and beta-cells (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00556998 - Single-crystal studies and electronic structure investigation of the room-temperature semiconductor NaMnAs (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00557069 - Langmuir probe perturbations during in situ monitoring of pulsed laser deposition plasmas (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00557074 - The evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties of Zn-0.8Mg-0.2Sr alloy prepared by casting and extrusion (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00557241 - Lead-free zero-dimensional organic-copper(I) halides as stable and sensitive X-ray scintillators (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00557316 - Pseudo-vertical Mo/Au Schottky diodes on {113} oriented boron doped homoepitaxial diamond layers (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00557447 - Deformation twinning with different twin-boundary mobility in 2H martensite in Cu-Ni-Al shape memory alloy (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00557448 - Database survey of single-and-half phosphorus-oxygen bonds in salts with the C2PO2 segment: crystal structure of [NH2C5H4NH][(C6H5)2P(O)(O)]⋅2H2O (2022)
Výsledek druhu C RIV/68378271:_____/22:00557505 - Oxidation of metal (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00557716 - Michalskiite, Cu2+Mg3Fe3.333+ (VO4)6, an Mg analogue of lyonsite, from the Ronneburg uranium deposit, Thuringia, Germany (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00557728 - Covalent functionalization of Ti3C2T MXene flakes with Gd-DTPA complex for stable and biocompatible MRI contrast agent (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00557950 - Hafnium oxide (HfO2) – a multifunctional oxide: a review on the prospect and challenges of hafnium oxide in resistive switching and ferroelectric memories (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00557953 - Unusual dynamics of the ferroelectric phase transition in K1-xLixTaO3 crystals (2022)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/22:00558065 - XXIV Czech-Polish seminar: Structural and ferroelectric phase transitions: Book of abstracts and program (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00558197 - A new phenoxo-bridged dicopper Schiff base complex: Synthesis, crystal structure, DNA/BSA interaction, cytotoxicity assay and catecholase activity (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00558199 - Highly resolved X-Ray imaging enabled by In(I) doped perovskite-like Cs3Cu2I5 single crystal scintillator (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00558203 - Electronic self-passivation of single vacancy in black phosphorus via ionization (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00558398 - Subgap states spectroscopy in a quantum dot coupled to gapped hosts: Unified picture for superconductor and semiconductor bands (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00558405 - Characterization of mixed Bi4(GexSi1-x)3O12 for crystal calorimetry at future colliders (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00558649 - New chemical pathway for large-area deposition of doped diamond films by linear antenna microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00558812 - New quaterphenyls laterally substituted by methyl group and their influence on the self-assembling behaviour of ferroelectric bicomponent mixtures (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00558817 - The interactions between DNA nanostructures and cells: A critical overview from a cell biology perspective (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00558818 - Crystal growth and optical properties of Ce-doped (Y, Lu)AlO3 single crystal (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00558820 - Optical spectroscopy and unusual temperature shift of f - f zero-phonon luminescence lines: KTaO3:Er (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00558906 - Acceleration of the yellow band luminescence in GaN layers via Si and Ge doping (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00558933 - Relevance of Rabi splitting effect for tunable enhancement of Raman scattering in self-assembled silver - Fullerene nanocomposite films (2022)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/22:00559036 - Growth of carbon allotropes in plasma CVD system (2022)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/22:00559040 - Optical biosensing by thin diamond films (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00559631 - Nanoscale conductive sheets in ferroelectric BaTiO3: Large Hall electron mobilities at head-to-head domain walls (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00559636 - Temperature dependence of radio- and photoluminescence and scintillation properties of Y0.6Gd2.4Al2Ga3O12:Ce,Mg single crystal (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00559835 - Role of magnetic nanoparticles size and concentration on structural changes and corresponding magneto-optical behavior of nematic liquid crystals (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00559843 - Ferroberaunite, Fe2+Fe53+(PO4)4(OH)5·6H2O, a mixed-valence iron member of the beraunite series, from the Gravel Hill mine, Perranzabuloe, Cornwall, England (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00559990 - Real and imaginary permittivity measured by thermal noise dielectric spectroscopy (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00560301 - Sonochemical-assisted synthesis of α‑Fe2O3 nanoparticles and their photocatalytic activity toward methylene blue and methyl orange dyes (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00560308 - Optical, luminescence and scintillation properties of Mg2+-codoped (Lu,Y)3Al2Ga3O12:Pr garnet crystals: The effect of Y admixture (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00560497 - Magneto-optical properties of Tb3+ ions in crystals of aluminum borate (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00560649 - Fracture toughness of Fe-Si single crystals in mode I: Effect of loading rate on an edge crack (-110)[110] at macroscopic and atomistic level (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00560752 - Compositional engineering of multicomponent garnet scintillators: towards an ultra-accelerated scintillation response (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00560829 - Uranotungstite, the only natural uranyl tungstate: Crystal structure revealed from 3D electron diffraction (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00560878 - Low-temperature NIR-VUV optical constants of (001) LaAlO3 crystal (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561071 - Topological insulator Bi2Te3: The effect of doping with elements from the VIII B column of the periodic table (2022)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561156 - Crystallization of aluminum droplet at low supercooling: theoretical analysis by homogeneous nucleation model (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561222 - Surface processes on thin layers of black aluminum in ultra-high vacuum (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561227 - Chiral, magnetic, and photosensitive liquid crystalline nanocomposites based on multifunctional nanoparticles and achiral liquid crystals (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561353 - Obeticholic acid forms two series of isostructural non-stoichiometric channel solvates (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561354 - A comparative conformational study of (C6H5O)2P(O)(NHC(S)NHCH2C6H5) and analogous X-ray structures: energy calculations (solid-state/gas phase) (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561639 - Correlating light-induced deep defects and phase segregation in mixed-halide perovskites (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561686 - Nanotwinned (inter)martensite transformation interfaces in Ni50Mn25Ga20Fe5 magnetic shape memory single crystal foil (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561749 - Interface failure and delamination resistance of fiber-reinforced geopolymer composite by simulation and experimental method (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561751 - An overview of thermal plasma arc systems for treatment of various wastes in recovery of metals (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561755 - Shape memory behaviour of PMMA-coated NiTi alloy under thermal cycle (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561803 - Phase transformation in quasi-two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet Cu(tn)Cl2 (tn = 1,3-diaminopropane) (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561853 - Search for nonlinear THz absorption by electromagnons in multiferroic hexaferrites (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561854 - Influence of calcium doping concentration on the performance of Ce,Ca: LuAG scintillation ceramics (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561903 - Detection of globular and fibrillar proteins by quartz crystal microbalance sensor coated with a functionalized diamond thin film (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561905 - Advances in RF glow discharge optical emission spectrometry characterization of intrinsic and boron-doped diamond coatings (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561908 - Impact of electrolyte solution on electrochemical oxidation treatment of Escherichia coli K-12 by boron-doped diamond electrodes (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561914 - Therapeutic potential of phospho-thiadiazole derivatives as anti-glioblastoma agents: synthesis, biological assessment and computational study (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00561996 - Composition engineering of (Lu,Gd,Tb)3(Al,Ga)5O12:Ce film/Gd3(Al,Ga)5O12:Ce substrate scintillators (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00562003 - Achieving efficient neutron and gamma discrimination in a highly stable 6Li-Loaded Cs3Cu2I5 perovskite scintillator (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00562015 - Characterization of Ce,Ca:LuAG ceramic scintillators fabricated from co-precipitated powders (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00562065 - Multifunctional and mechanically robust porous diamond with large electroactive surfaces via electrically conductive and insulating templates for 3D electrode applications (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00562087 - Temperature-induced charge transfer in Fe-doped ZnSe single crystal: mechanism and features (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00562214 - Electric and magnetic dipole emission of Eu3+: Effect of proximity to a thin aluminum film (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00562294 - A new heterotrimetallic sandwich-like CuII-LaIII-CuII (3d-4f-3d) cluster as a model anticancer drug in interaction with FS-DNA and BSA and as a new artificial catalyst for catecholase activity (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00562426 - Investigations on the CuI thin films production by pulsed laser deposition (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00562430 - Bi Layer properties in the Bi-FeNi GMR-type structures probed by spectroscopic ellipsometry (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00562485 - Deposition of tungsten oxide films by reactive magnetron sputtering on different substrates. (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00562769 - Timing performance of lead halide perovskite nanoscintillators embedded in a polystyrene matrix (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00562785 - Combining advanced photoelectron spectroscopy approaches to analyse deeply buried GaP(As)/Si(1 0 0) interfaces: Interfacial chemical states and complete band energy diagrams (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00562792 - Band energy diagrams of n-GaInP/n-AlInP(100) surfaces and heterointerfaces studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00562801 - Relation between Ga vacancies, photoluminescence, and growth conditions of MOVPE-prepared GaN layers (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00562806 - Photoinduced split of the cavity mode in photonic crystals based on porous silicon filled with photochromic azobenzene-containing substances (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00563127 - Synthesis and magnetic properties of carbon doped and reduced SrTiO3 nanoparticles (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00563647 - The Effects of Ultrasound Treatment of Graphite on the Reversibility of the (De)Intercalation of an Anion from Aqueous Electrolyte Solution (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00563684 - In-situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction texture analysis of tensile deformation of nanocrystalline superelastic NiTi wire at various temperatures (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00563729 - Modulating the inclusive and coordinating ability of thiacalix[4]arene and its antenna effect on Yb3+-luminescence via upper-rim substitution (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00563784 - Multimodal contrast agent enabling pH sensing based on organically functionalized gold nanoshells with Mn-Zn ferrite cores (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00563895 - Surface anchored Ag nanoparticles prepared by gas aggregation source: Antibacterial effect and the role of surface free energy (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00564755 - Preparation and characterization of metalloporphyrin Tröger's and Spiro-Tröger's base derivatives (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00564765 - Homogeneous nucleation and crystallization model of aluminium droplet based on isothermal DSC analysis (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00564769 - Optical properties of epitaxially grown GaN:Ge thin films (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00564852 - Optical, luminescence and scintillation characteristics of Gd3Sc2(Al3-xGax)O12: Ce,Mg (x = 0, 1, 2) single crystalline films (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00564930 - Optical and scintillation characteristics of Lu2Y(Al5-xGax)O12:Ce,Mg multicomponent garnet crystals (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00564937 - Ion energy distribution of plasma ions of a hollow cathode discharge in Ar + N2 and Ar + O2 gas mixtures (2022)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/22:00564989 - Growth of Cs2HfxZr1-xCl6 mixed crystals by vertical Bridgman method and analysis of Zr content on luminescent and scintillation properties (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00565149 - Microstructural and mechanical characterization of newly developed Zn-Mg-CaO composite (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00565306 - Controlling defect chemistry in InTe by saturation annealing (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00565341 - Towards the additive manufacturing of Ni-Mn-Ga complex devices with magnetic field induced strain (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00565350 - Development and prospects of garnet ceramic scintillators: A review (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00565529 - Scintillation characteristics of the single-crystalline film and composite film-crystal scintillators based on the Ce3+-doped (Lu,Gd)3(Ga,Al)5O12 mixed garnets under alpha and beta particles, and gamma ray excitations (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00565631 - Single crystal structure feature of a new 0D Cr(III) complex, a catalyst for mild peroxidative oxidation of toluene (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00565635 - Accurate lattice parameters from 3D electron diffraction data. I. Optical distortions (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00565663 - Enantioselective high-performance liquid chromatography of aryl-substituted oxazolines as an efficient tool for determination of chiral purity of serine medicinal components (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00566149 - Spin Seebeck effect in W-type and Z-type hexagonal ferrite thin films (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00566245 - High-temperature fire resistance and self-extinguishing behavior of cellular graphene (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00566249 - Interfacial adhesion of thick NiTi coating on substrate stainless steel (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00566309 - Phase transition hysteresis at the antiferroelectric-ferroelectric boundary in PbZr1-xTixO3 (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00566320 - Twist-grain boundary phase characterized by AFM technique (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00566324 - Ferroelectric to incommensurate fluctuations crossover in PbHfO3-PbSnO3 (2022)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/22:00566467 - Deep-sea nodules metallo-thermic reduction as a new “natural alloys” concept (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00566472 - Spin-orbit coupling and Kondo resonance in the Co adatom on the Cu(100) surface: DFT plus exact diagonalization study (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00566502 - Mechanically tuned thermopower of single-molecule junctions (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00566519 - Modeling of Co impurity in Cu host using DFT+ED (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00566581 - Surface enhancement using black coatings for sensor applications (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00566635 - Small-polaron conductivity in perovskite ferroelectric BaTiO3 films (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00566652 - Statistical assessment of stress redistribution in loaded polycrystals (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00566654 - Birefringence induced by antiferroelectric switching in transparent polycrystalline PbZr0.95Ti0.05O3 film (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00566700 - Electron spin dynamics in sucrose-derived luminescent carbon dot-silica nanocomposites (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00566734 - Ultraviolet-C photoresponsivity using fabricated TiO2 thin films and transimpedance-amplifier-based test setup (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00566773 - Copper tungsten oxide (CuxWOy) thin films for optical and photoelectrochemical applications deposited by reactive high power impulse magnetron co-sputtering (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00567058 - Highly spherical SiC nanoparticles grown in nonthermal plasma (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00567163 - Evolution of structure and optoelectronic properties during halide perovskite vapor deposition (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00567266 - Ligand hyperfine coupling and electron structure features in the EPR spectra of Cu-doped multicomponent borate crystals: an interpretation based on the concept of the Jahn-Teller effect (2022)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/22:00567271 - Charge traps in Zn- and Mo-based oxide microstructures. The role of Mo (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00567508 - Magnetic force microscopy in physics and biomedical applications (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00567786 - EPR study of the Mn-doped magnesium titanate ceramics (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00567789 - Continuous wave and pulsed EPR study of Cd1-xMnxTe crystals with different Mn content (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00567866 - Achievable accuracy of resonating nanomechanical systems for mass sensing of larger analytes in GDa range (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00567870 - Resolving measurement of large (~ GDa) chemical/biomolecule complexes with multimode nanomechanical resonators (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00567894 - Strain enhancement due to oxygen vacancies in perovskite oxide films (2022)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/22:00567935 - Ga vacancies in MOVPE prepared GaN layers - correlation with other point defects (2022)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/22:00568245 - Diamond thin films for PV solar cells on the base of a-SiC:H alloy (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00568479 - Anisotropic heat transfer in plane of carbon fabrics reinforced geopolymer composite (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00569240 - The Effect of Be Co-doping on luminescence properties of Gd3Al3Ga2O12:Ce glass ceramics (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/22:00569244 - 0D Organic manganese(II) bromide hybrids as stable and efficient X-Ray scintillator (2022)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/22:00570787 - Highly sensitive ethanol vapor sensor based on reduced graphene oxide (2022)
Výsledek druhu O RIV/68378271:_____/22:00570907 - Hybrid detector based on MOVPE grown InGaN/GaN MQW + BGO (2022)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00562089 - Electron spin resonance study of hydrogen-free germanium-doped diamond-like carbon films (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00566215 - Continuum model for converse flexoelectricity in a thin plate (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00566218 - Removal of Pb(II) ion from aqueous solution using As-synthesized CuO/Cu2O nanocomposites (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00566220 - Tailoring pulsed laser deposition fabricated copper oxide film by controlling plasma parameters (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00566221 - Co(II) fenamato, tolfenamato and niflumato complexes with neocuproine: synthesis, crystal structure, spectral characterization and biological activity (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00566223 - Evaluation of Fe-nitrides, -borides and -carbides for enhanced magnetic fluid hyperthermia with experimental study of α''-Fe16N2 and ε-Fe3N nanoparticles (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00566722 - Deformation of substrate by epitaxial piezoelectric film and implications for interferometry (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00567078 - Investigation of the magnetron balancing effect on the ionized flux fraction and deposition rate of sputtered titanium species for the high-power impulse magnetron sputtering pulses of different lengths (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00567412 - Timing of ICSI with Respect to Meiotic Spindle Status (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00567419 - A Cu(II) complex based on a Schiff base ligand derived from Ortho-vanillin: synthesis, DFT analysis and catalytic activities (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00568520 - Physical, thermal, and mechanical characterization of PMMA foils fabricated by solution casting (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00568521 - Gradient magnetic field accelerates division of E.coli Nissle 1917 (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00569324 - Inhibition of extracellular ice crystals growth for testing the cryodamaging effect of intracellular ice in a model of ram sperm ultra-rapid freezing (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00569724 - Impact of initial cyclic loading on mechanical properties and performance of nafion (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00569726 - Protein adsorption by nanomechanical mass spectrometry: Beyond the real-time molecular weighting (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570228 - Computational modeling and parametric analysis of SMA hybrid composite plates under thermal environment (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570230 - Thermally induced reorientation and plastic deformation of B19' monoclinic martensite in nanocrystalline NiTi wires (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570231 - Optical emission spectroscopy analysis of microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition systems dynamic gas response (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570383 - Correlation between acoustic emission and stress evolution during single twin boundary motion in Ni–Mn–Ga magnetic shape memory single crystal (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570385 - Structurally unique salts of cyamemazine and their pharmaceutical implications (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570387 - Temperature and microstructure dependent tensile behavior of coarse grained superelastic NiTi (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570401 - Heat capacity and thermal conductivity of CdCr2Se4 ferromagnet: Magnetic field dependence, experiment and calculations (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570452 - New liquid crystalline elastomeric films containing a smectic crosslinker: chemical and physical properties (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570462 - Complex severe plastic deformation of aluminum single crystal (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570646 - Texture, elastic anisotropy and thermal stability of commercially pure titanium prepared by room temperature ECAP (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570669 - Analysis of boron- and phosphorus-doped diamond layers by glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy in argon and neon (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570671 - Can the ferroelectric soft mode trigger an antiferromagnetic phase transition? (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570672 - Interaction of magnetic fields with biogenic magnetic nanoparticles on cell membranes: Physiological consequences for organisms in health and disease (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570673 - Comparative determination of atomic boron and carrier concentration in highly boron doped nano-crystalline diamond (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570675 - Efficient ultrafast scintillation of KLuS2:Pr3+ phosphor: A candidate for fast-timing applications (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570700 - Intermittent F-actin perturbations by magnetic fields inhibit breast cancer metastasis (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570709 - Depth profiling of AlN and Alx Ga 1−x N crystals by XPS using Al Kα and Ag Lα line excitation and Ar ion gas cluster ion source (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570716 - New types of composite scintillators based on the single crystalline films and crystals of Gd3Al5-xGaxO12:Ce garnets (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570735 - Polycrystalline diamond and magnetron sputtered chromium as a double coating for accident-tolerant nuclear fuel tubes (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570739 - Chem-mechanical polishing influenced morphology, spectral and electrochemical characteristics of boron doped diamond (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570777 - Modifying the magnetoelectric coupling in TbMnO3 by low-level Fe3+ substitution (2023)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570793 - Enhanced growth rate of diamond films at low temperature in focused microwave plasma system (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570799 - Fluorpyromorphite, Pb5(PO4)3F, a new apatite-group mineral from Sukhovyaz Mountain, Southern Urals, and Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570940 - Between waves and patterns: Spin wave freezing in films with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570942 - Synthesis, structure and slow magnetic relaxation of Ce(III) phenylacetate complex (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00570984 - Thermodynamic and structural variations along the olivenite–libethenite solid solution (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00571307 - Lysosomal nanotoxicity: Impact of nanomedicines on lysosomal function (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00571464 - Thermally stimulated exo-electron emission and desorption from Lu2O3: Eu3+ surfaces (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00571601 - Hydrogenation of HPHT nanodiamonds and their nanoscale interaction with chitosan (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00571602 - New uniaxial pressure cell used in a study of magnetization of the Heusler Ni2MnSn-based alloy (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00571617 - Combining neuropsychological assessment with neuroimaging to distinguish early-stage Alzheimer's disease from frontotemporal lobar degeneration in non-western tonal native Language-speaking individuals living in Taiwan: A case series (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00571619 - Bulk single-crystal growth of Ce/Gd3(Al,Ga)5O12 from melt without a precious metal crucible by pulling from a cold container (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00571853 - Structural optimisation of lactic acid derivatives to obtain enhanced ferroelectric properties in smectic phases (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00571934 - Catching a new zeolite as a transition material during deconstruction (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00572233 - A detailed mechanism of degradation behaviour of biodegradable as-ECAPed Zn-0.8Mg-0.2Sr with emphasis on localized corrosion attack (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00572337 - Energy partitioning in multicomponent nanoscintillators for enhanced localized radiotherapy (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00572515 - Terahertz charge transport dynamics in 3D graphene networks with localization and band regimes (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00572518 - Universal strategy for reversing aging and defects in graphene oxide for highly conductive graphene aerogels (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00572794 - Constant plane shift model: Structure analysis of martensitic phases in Ni50Mn27Ga22Fe1 beyond non-modulated building blocks (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00572880 - Development of the Pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum Biofilm Monitored in Real Time Using Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Measurements in a Flow Cell Chamber (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00572974 - Thermodynamics and crystal structures of krautite, Mn[AsO3(OH)]⋅H2O, koritnigite, Zn[AsO3(OH)]⋅H2O, and cobaltkoritnigite, Co[AsO3(OH)]⋅H2O (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00572982 - Argentotetrahedrite-(Cd), Ag6(Cu4Cd2)Sb4S13, a new member of the tetrahedrite group from Rudno nad Hronom, Slovakia (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00573076 - Pulse length dependence of a reactive high power impulse magnetron (HiPIMS) discharge (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00573146 - High-frequency dielectric properties of K1-xLixTaO3 ceramics compared to crystals (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00573430 - Sensitivity of endogenous autofluorescence in HeLa cells to the application of external magnetic fields (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00573531 - Towards deliberate design of persistent phosphors: a study of La–Ga admixing in LuAG:Ce crystals to engineer elemental homogeneity and carrier trap depths (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00573623 - Calorimetric and crystallographic phase-behavior study of selected 1-butylpyridinium ionic liquids (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00573645 - Homobimetallic Au(I)–Au(I) and heterotrimetallic Au(I)–Fe(II)–Au(I) complexes with dialkyldithiophosphates and phosphine ligands: structural characterization, DFT analysis, and tyrosinase inhibitory and biological effects (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00573665 - Pulsed laser annealed rare earth doped TiO2 thin films for luminescence and sensing applications (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00573741 - Accurate structure models and absolute configuration determination using dynamical effects in continuous-rotation 3D electron diffraction data (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00573779 - Infrared and terahertz studies of phase transitions in the CH3NH3PbBr3 perovskite (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00573847 - Characteristics of a pulsed hollow cathode discharge operated in an Ar+O2 gas mixture and deposition of copper nickel oxide thin films (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00574090 - Anharmonicity of the antiferrodistortive soft mode in barium zirconate BaZrO3 (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00574215 - Iron oxide nanoparticles trigger endoplasmic reticulum damage in steatotic hepatic cells (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00574221 - One-dimensional scintillator film with benign grain boundaries for high-resolution and fast x-ray imaging (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00574229 - A novel water‑soluble thiosemicarbazone Schiff base ligand and its complexes as potential anticancer agents and cellular fluorescence imaging (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00574352 - Modulated martensite in NiTi shape memory alloy exposed to high stress at high temperatures (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00574353 - Plastic deformation of B19’ monoclinic martensite in NiTi shape memory alloys: HRTEM analysis of interfaces in martensite variant microstructures (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00574356 - Localized plastic deformation of superelastic NiTi wires in tension (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00574358 - Tensile deformation of NiTi shape memory alloy thermally loaded under applied stress (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00574359 - Peculiar dynamics of polar states at the morphotropic phase boundary of antiferroelectric Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00574590 - The microstructure, hardness, phase transformation and mechanical properties of a NiTi coating applied to graphite substrate via a plasma spraying process (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00574599 - Effect of doping SrTiO3 with Nb studied with wide-range spectroscopic ellipsometry (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00574626 - Tuning of polar domain boundaries in nonpolar perovskite (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00574630 - Defect pairing in Fe-doped SnS van der Waals crystals: a photoemission and scanning tunneling microscopy study (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00574991 - Cooperative self-assembly of dimer junctions driven by π stacking leads to conductance enhancement (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00575197 - Fast Ce,Ca:LuAG scintillation ceramics for HEP: Fabrication, characterization and computation (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00575202 - Cluster spin glass in off-stoichiometric Ni2.01Mn1.58Sn0.41 alloy (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00575225 - Intragranular thermal fatigue of Cu thin films: Near-grain boundary hardening, strain localization and voiding (2023)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/23:00575297 - Three-dimensional diamond structures for co-culture tissue engineering (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00575359 - Orientation and dynamics of water molecules in beryl (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00575459 - Low energy vibrations and crystalline structure of ambroxol hydrochloride by THz spectroscopy and DFT calculations (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00575958 - Boron-doped {113}, {115} and {118}-oriented single-crystal diamond electrodes: Effect of surface pre-treatment (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00576151 - Effects of Sc3+ admixture on luminescence and scintillation properties of Ce3+-doped Lu2Y(Al5-xScx)O12 (x = 1, 1.5, 2) garnet single-crystalline films (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00576188 - Surface feature of PMMA films on NiTi alloy substrate by the spin coating method (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00576189 - Deposition and characterization of plasma sprayed NiTi powder on stainless steel and graphite substrate (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00576200 - Surface deformation recovery by thermal annealing of thermal plasma sprayed shape memory NiTi alloys (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00576210 - In-situ nitrided pulsed-laser-deposited SrTiO3 films (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00576637 - Ultra-broadband THz absorbers based on 3D graphene (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00576643 - Gold nanoshells with magnetic cores and a urea-based receptor for SERS sensing of fluoride anions: experimental and computational study (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00576990 - Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire theory of the chiral phase transition in 180◦ domain walls of PbTiO3 (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00577155 - Compositional regulation of multi-component GYGAG:Ce scintillation ceramics: Self-sintering-aid effect and afterglow suppression (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00577157 - Plasmon assisted Ti3C2Tx grafting and surface termination tuning for enhancement of flake stability and humidity sensing performance (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00577303 - CuFeO2 prepared by electron cyclotron wave resonance-assisted reactive HiPIMS with two magnetrons and radio frequency magnetron sputtering (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00577456 - Spin exchange dynamics in 4H SiC monocrystals with different nitrogen donor concentrations (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00577698 - Heteroleptic silver(I) and gold(I) N‑heterocyclic carbene complexes: structural characterization, computational analysis, tyrosinase inhibitory, and biological effects (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00577701 - Effect of temperature on memory effect in nematic phase of liquid crystal and their composites with aerosil and geothite nanoparticles (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00577710 - Itinerant-localized dichotomy in magnetic anisotropic properties of U-based ferromagnets (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00577794 - Near-infrared emitting of zero-dimensional europium(II) halide scintillators: energy transfer engineering via Sm2+ doping (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00578139 - Pseudo-vertical Schottky diode with Ruthenium contacts on (113) boron-doped homoepitaxial diamond layers (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00578792 - Assessing the role of asymmetric charge transfer reactions in analytical glow discharges in argon (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00578823 - Tensile deformation of B19′ martensite in nanocrystalline NiTi wires (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00579134 - Suppression of mechanical instability in bioabsorbable ultrafine-grained Zn through in-situ stabilization by ZnO nanodispersoids (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00579255 - Characterization of the interaction between the tumour suppressor p53 and heme and its role in the protein conformational dynamics studied by various spectroscopic techniques and hydrogen/deuterium exchange coupled with mass spectrometry (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00579273 - Implementation of Broadband Electrically Detected Magnetic Resonance in a Sub-THz FraScan Spectrometer (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00579279 - Spin dynamics of exchange-coupled nitrogen donors in heavily doped n-type 15R SiC monocrystals: Multifrequency EPR and EDMR study (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00579305 - Electrical properties of highly nitrogen-doped 6H-SiC single crystals: Microwave cavity perturbation study (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00579599 - Synergetic radical-scavenging effect in the complex of copper(II) with the thiosemicarbazone of salicylaldehyde (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00579710 - The manipulation of natural mineral chalcopyrite CuFeS2 via mechanochemistry: properties and thermoelectric potential (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00580189 - Dielectric behaviour of nitrogen doped perovskite SrTiO3-δNδ films (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00580277 - (Sub)structure development in gradually swaged electroconductive bars (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00580713 - Plasmon-plasmon interaction and the role of buffer in epitaxial graphene microflakes (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00581746 - The role of dimers in the efficient growth of nanoparticles (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00582315 - The FALCON double-detector Laue diffractometer add-on for grain mapping at POLDI (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00582318 - Evaluation of microstructure–porosity–hardness of thermal plasma-sprayed NiTi coating layers (2023)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/23:00583049 - Hybrid detector based on MOVPE grown InGaN/GaN MQW + BGO (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00583072 - Magnetism and electronic structure of a Dy adatom on a MgO(001) substrate (2023)
Výsledek druhu D RIV/68378271:_____/23:00583494 - Surface changes induced by Argon plasma treatment of silicon dioxide microparticles (2023)
Výsledek druhu J RIV/68378271:_____/23:00583629 - Thought experiments in electromagnetic theory and the ordinary Hall effect (2023)
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