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Zpět na hledáníCognitive Change Among Nursing Home Residents: CogRisk-NH Scale Development to Predict Decline (2023)detail výsledku

Identifikační kód RIV/00216208:11160/23:10472570
Název v anglickém jazyce Cognitive Change Among Nursing Home Residents: CogRisk-NH Scale Development to Predict Decline
Druh J - Recenzovaný odborný článek (Jimp, Jsc a Jost)
Poddruh J/A - Článek v odborném periodiku je obsažen v databázi Web of Science společností Thomson Reuters s příznakem „Article“, „Review“ nebo „Letter“ (Jimp)
Jazyk eng - angličtina
Vědní obor 30227 - Geriatrics and gerontology
Rok uplatnění 2023
Kód důvěrnosti údajů S - Úplné a pravdivé údaje o výsledku nepodléhající ochraně podle zvláštních právních předpisů.
Počet výskytů výsledku 2
Popis výsledku v anglickém jazyce Objectives: Examine cognitive changes over time among nursing home residents and develop a risk model for identifying predictors of cognitive decline. Design: Using secondary analysis design with Minimum Data Set data, cognitive status was based on the Cognitive Performance Scale (CPS). Setting and Participants: Baseline and 7 quarterly follow-up analyses of US and Canadian interRAI data (N = 1,257,832) were completed. Methods: Logistic regression analyses identified predictors of decline to form the CogRisk-NH scale. Results: At baseline, about 15% of residents were cognitively intact (CPS = 0), and 11.2% borderline intact (CPS = 1). The remaining more intact, with mild impairment (CPS = 2), included 15.0%. Approximately 59% residents fell into CPS categories 3 to 6 (moderate to severe impairment). Over time, increasing proportions of residents declined: 17.1% at 6 months, 21.6% at 9 months, and 34.0% at 21 months. Baseline CPS score was a strong predictor of decline. Categories 0 to 2 had 3-month decline rates in midteens, and categories 3 to 5 had an average decline rate about 9%. Consequently, a 2-submodel construction was employed-one for CPS categories 0 to 2 and the other for categories 3 to 5. Both models were integrated into a 6-category risk scale (CogRisk-NH). CogRisk-NH scale score distribution had 15.9% in category 1, 26.84% in category 2, and 36.7% in category 3. Three higher-risk categories (ie, 4-6) represented 20.6% of residents. Mean decline rates at the 3-month assessment ranged from 4.4% to 28.3%. Over time, differentiation among risk categories continued: 6.9% to 38.4.% at 6 months, 11.0% to 51.0% at 1 year, and 16.2% to 61.4% at 21 months, providing internal validation of the prediction model. Conclusions and Implications: Cognitive decline rates were higher among residents in less-impaired CPS categories. CogRisk-NH scale differentiates those with low likelihood of decline from those with moderate likelihood and, finally, much higher likelihood of decline. Knowledge of resident risk for cognitive decline enables allocation of resources targeting amenable factors and potential interventions to mitigate continuing decline.
Klíčová slova oddělená středníkem cognitive impairment;dementia;interRAI;long term care facilities;nursing homes;older adults;cognitive decline;CPS;Cognitive Performance Scale
Stránka www, na které se nachází výsledek
DOI výsledku 10.1016/j.jamda.2023.06.011
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Název periodika Journal of the American Medical Directors Association
ISSN 1525-8610
e-ISSN 1538-9375
Svazek periodika 24
Číslo periodika v rámci uvedeného svazku 9
Stát vydavatele periodika US - Spojené státy americké
Počet stran výsledku 7
Strana od-do 1405-1411
Kód UT WoS článku podle Web of Science 001106732300001
EID výsledku v databázi Scopus 2-s2.0-85166617975
Způsob publikování výsledku C - Omezený přístup (Restricted Access)
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Dodáno MŠMT v roce 2024 RIV/00216208:11160/23:10472570 v dodávce dat RIV24-MSM-11160___ předkladatelem Univerzita Karlova / Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové
Dodáno MŠMT v roce 2024 RIV/00216208:11110/23:10472570 v dodávce dat RIV24-MSM-11110___ předkladatelem Univerzita Karlova / 1. lékařská fakulta

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